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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I don’t sympathize with this dudes rhetoric at all, just adding that from his mouth movements he does seem to be making an “m” sound not an “n” sound with his mouth.

    He’s probably still really racist, but I’ve got racist family and if they ever decide to drop a “hard r” you can see it in their face. I do think it was a case of trying to say “immigrants”, flubbing it, then just saying “migrants” because he realizes what it sounds like. Even the forced laughter afterwards has a sort of “oh shit that didn’t sound good” vibe to it.

    Again, not defending this guy. But we have to remember, all sides of politics can spin stuff to fit their agenda, so we have to be discreet in our decisions and judgements, that’s how we stand apart from all the people just sucking down the news as gospel truth.

  • Also sounds like you had a crappy realtor. If you’re using a realtor, get them to work for you, that’s what they’re for. Give them the specs of the house you’re looking for, sure, but they should be calling you with listings, vetting the homes before they show them to you, handling negotiation relays and inspection setups, etc.

    Just general advice, yes you pay them, but if they aren’t working for you, pay someone else.

  • A lot of business people also think that AI is a “force multiplier” meaning that if they use it they can get more done in less time. Anything that can do that is basically a money printer at the business level, which is why all these execs and companies are so excited about it.

    The problem is it’s not or at least not reliably proven to be so. All these companies are jumping on board thinking “shove some AI in there and get 20% growth” when in reality there’s no backing behind it working like that. And that’s why a lot of customers are turned off, because from the consumer side, AI is just sloppy unoriginal junk. But on the business side they just see “Productivity is up” never mind that the productivity is garbage quality.

  • As a guy, these apps suck. I’ve met a few people on them, but it’s very obvious that they are deliberately hiding matches and people that are your type behind a paywall. It’s not in their best interest to show you people that have the same interests as you, it’s better if they bundle them all up and slap a big fat price tag on the front.

    People are starting to realize these apps aren’t about hooking up or making connections, they’re about squeezing desperate people looking for love into giving money for the promise of finding it.