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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023

  • The idea of evolution is that the parts kept are the ones that are helpful or relevant, or proliferate the abilities of the subject over generations and weed out the bits that don’t. Since Generative AI can’t weed out anything (it has no ability to logic or reason, and it does not think, and only “grows” when humans feed it data), it can’t be evolving as you describe it. Evolution assumes that the thing that is evolving will be a better version than what it evolved from.

  • I joined reddit maybe a couple of years before violentacrez was outed by gawker media. I fully remember what it was like back then, and I wouldn’t say it got worse over time. I’d say that as time went on some things got better and others got worse so that on balance not much changed. I don’t really understand the people who have the rose tinted goggles about reddit. I didn’t leave because reddit users got actively worse so much as I left because the policies that the company were making and the things they were changing made the platform untenable.

    I agree with what you’re saying. This is the curse of the anonymity of the internet at large and it happens everywhere. People just like to pretend that it doesn’t.

  • Because the amount of data use alone would be so astronomical as to be very obvious. Unless it’s specifically recording you locally and then uploading that information when you’re on wifi (which would be obvious too because of the slow down it would cause, the amount of bandwidth it would take up (making you hit data caps with your provider and throttling your service), and the fact that most phones just do not have that much storage and don’t have a slot for added sd cards anymore. Feasibly it doesn’t make sense for a handheld device to be recording everything you say passively. Your battery alone would have to last several weeks of normal use.

  • I think part of the problem is you may tend to hold onto anger and other emotions for too long without an outlet. Then they surprise you when they break loose. The episode you seem to have had and the emotions that you feel including the hatred and self condemnation are possibly things that you’ve been hanging onto that you shouldn’t. The other commenter mentioned using a local/offline chat bot to talk to ans that may be beneficial just because it’s a way to express your emotions and let them out in a more healthy way. I use journals for this purpose and always have. It helps me to write things out. This way things don’t get ahead of me as often (though it still happens). You’re not a bad person just because you had a meltdown. Self forgiveness is important and I hope you can work towards that.

  • I was first diagnosed as a kid (But with ADD), and then again as an adult with ADHD (how I found out that they are now considered the same thing).

    For me, it’s never been a case of am I or aren’t I neurodivergent, and I’ve never been medicated. I’m not sure I need medication, or that medication would help. Part of that is because the coping mechanisms I’ve developed (while not full proof) allow me to function for the most part without crashing into the rails too hard. The main problem is that when I do crash it’s not depression I experience but exhaustion.

    It takes me a long time to recharge, and I’m not sure how meds could help with that. No doctor has ever convinced me that I need them.

  • I have one of these https://webcat.cornwelltools.com/JP213123-Cornwell®-Cordless-Soldering-Iron-p371692246 as well as a traditional wired soldering iron. While I like the cordless soldering iron’s portability and it’s fine for solder cups or solder splicing wire, it’s not adaptable enough for me to use on a PCB or for micro solder and if I’m honest I’d want a micro solder setup for that anyway. I’ve owned expensive soldering irons and cheap ones (my current corded model I believe is one of ifixit’s), the general problem is that I have too many random tips lying around that I don’t know which iron they go to. Some are junk (because the iron broke etc). Some probably could be used interchangeably.

    At least with the cordless one the tips are replaceable, and pretty unique in appearance so I know exactly which iron they go to.

    The problem with the cordless one is the heat it can generate and the fact that it’s not adjustable. The problem with the corded one is that I have to lug a 50’ extension cord up to every plane to use it, and often there’s not a safe place to put it down while it’s hot so I have to prep every solder cup, joint, splice etc and then plug it in and turn it on. I’ve got stands galore and none of them is the safest.

    I’d be willing to try this out just for the sake of the added protections it provides.