Good sentiment, but I wish it amounted to something.
They’re halfway around the world from the US, outside of IBCM, what else are they supposed to do? It’s up to the Americans to do something.
How was they shilling for Stein? Seems to me they were equating the fact that he’s mad Americans didn’t get out and vote with a past post of your where you expressed frustration that other Americans got out and voted for Stein.
If I had to guess they didn’t want anyone voting Stein either. As Canadians we just wanted you guys to just show you learned after 2016. Forgive us if we’re a little mad considering all of the “51st state” threats that we’re forced to listen to daily up here. Do you know how frightening it is to have to think every day for months that you could be invaded by one of the worlds 2 superpowers? We’re mad up here right now, and hearing Americans say “yeah well what about what WE’RE going through” when we didn’t even have a say in this bullshit, is just very, very annoying.
I remember explaining having the same phenomenon of a feeling that that was what happens to peoples conscience, everyone has their own dedicated server for their own life to continue, essentially.
I love hearing other people’s brains sharing the same concept as me, wild when a planet of 7+ billion can do that.
“There’s no need for a greater invasion, they already have Crimea”
It’s actually not as crazy being a tech millionaire nowadays since so many people build a great service and then just have it bought up by the competition.
It said right in the article Salesforce bought his product in 2011 and thats what made him a millionaire. Pretty good way to use that life changing money for the better of others and not just himself.
This is the first I’ve heard about Brazil in this type of cyber attack. Is it re-routed traffic going there or are there a large number of Brazilian bot farms now?
Meh, you watch enough television, movies, and play enough games nowadays you’re bound to learn more than the average US education system.
I’m going to be going the free solution route, been trying to find a cheap laptop to turn into my server right now. Do you mind if I reach out about it or do you know of any good instances?
Dumb question but should there be VPNs operating on both ends, server and client? Or just the client because I’m guessing the server might change the connection address.
With the head that well done there was no need to put the name, nailed the depiction.
Definitely good to know, but I can’t leave Connect. Canadian developer made it and I like to support that in these times as a Canadian.
Cool, I just wrote “this guy is helpful on you” for that. Really helping start to figure out Connect.
Might take you up on that in a couple of months if I don’t feel like destroying the old gaming PC hahaha
Awesome, that’s some great leads especially with a Nvidia card.
I’ll try and pick the easiest one without any grub work, I faintly remember my old school courses and have a faint reminder of hearing about grub. Didn’t sound like something to touch without the knowhow, Ill be careful.
Yeah! I got a couple of them into it when people came to me asking how I do my own edits, and from there it seemed to just be word of mouth.
Thankfully I helped the first through get the basics down and they then passed that knowledge on and so forth, so it’s worked out pretty well. A bunch of broke ass skaters will learn anything as long as it’s free, it’s why we spend most of our time falling.
Can you send me something showing the person who did the math? I’ve got a friend who was all up Elons ass two years ago and used this as one of his “he’s such a genuine and nice guy! Nobody even was able to answer his question” points.
I think the person replying to you actually just outlined the point the post made. You can frame all of these views for both sides, and could let two people on both side argue about who is actually trying to be cruel.
As much as I’d agree so much evil shit is going in, it’s a good point about how perceptions from others don’t change our own views lately and we aren’t even interested in discussing them. I also understand your point of there being no reason to try discussing them, but that’s the view the people on the other side have had for the past 9 years now, and that’s why we’re where we are. I’m not American but I truly wonder if there’s a way that people can capitulate to each other without having to start a civil war.
Calculators, computers, either way the kids going to finish looking at BOOBS.
Thanks so much!