Sarah has posted about being the bigger one and how she hates it. That’s why she hangs out with NB.
Sarah has posted about being the bigger one and how she hates it. That’s why she hangs out with NB.
another filter qween.
His proud boy hair cut gets exposure at the water park or when he bangs Birdie on their rock.
100% her team is now Shame, NK and the kid
Someone should send this to Canadian Tire’s IG.
Her food always looks disgusting. If you want a laugh, Google Sarah Nicole and Forkly.
Sarah’s parents repurchased her house for her after the divorce. Her father originally paid her portion of the down payment when Sarah and her first husband bought their house at age 20. She chose the house $$ over going to university. Sarah complains about missing out on university but skips the part where she was financially set up. Sarah forgets that she bragged non-stop to her friends and extended family that she had the jump start in her 20s because she skipped post-secondary education. Sarah’s marriage was hunky-dory until the kids were old enough that she stopped getting attention. When the attention shifted to her sister’s newer family Sarah started losing weight and cheating.
I wonder if their father is helping them stay off her socials.
I received the exact same response. Lol.
Did she really get DM"s? She lost a ton of followers this week. My guess is few people DM’s her. She’s done.
And select weekdays.
We need the tea!
When did we have free health care? We pay taxes for that and get crap service in Ontario.
I ask myself this all the time.
Hello CRA.
She didn’t donate her free car, the $5000 bike, the multiple Disney vacations, the free hair extensions, the free sofwave x 3 ($4500), the free filler, the free botox, the free laser facelifts ($8000), the free trip to Brazil, the free summer vacations for her family, the free home renovation, the free appliances for her home, the free new closet renovation, the free bathroom renovation, the free cottage appliances, the free paddle board, the free flights to California for her family and parents, the free la mer skin cream, the free Charlotte Tilbury cosmetics, the free trip to France, the free lego castle
Zero sold at my local Canadian Tire. Shelves are full of her garbage cups. Hundreds of them.
“Something is going on in that family” ✅
Merry Christmas!