The USA national debt is a good proxy measure.
The world outside the USA needed us dollars for petroleum and international trade. One of the major us enterprises has been to supply these funds in exchange for goods and services.
It is currently running at $1T every 100 days.
This means the world is selling more to the USA than equal exchange. They take those dollars away and buy oil and other international trade, or they hold the money. The us is being paid to create the currency that is used.
Frankly, the growing national debt is not as big a problem as the alternatives.
“Increasing risks of multiple breadbasket failure under 1.5 and 2 °C global warming.”
This is a paper that relates to this topic. They are looking at multiple breadbasket crop failures that happen in multiple regions and different staple crops at the exact same time.
Under 2° of warming, for example corn crops go from failures eveey 15 years to a failed crop frequency once every 2 or 3 years. Rain and temperature issues also can reduce wheat and soybean and rice crops. Eventually these uncorrelated events have a 100% chance of lining up and all landing on the same year across multiple regions.
I guess the big idea of the paper is that a warming planet won’t be this even dependable reduction in crop yields but a series of major unpredictable crop failure and food shocks.
I think that means that withi a 45% reduction (as in the main article) we should think of that as a rolling average. Some years could be very bad and others less dire. But expect major instability.