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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023

  • Right? At this point I’m just sticking with WordPress because I can’t be bothered to migrate a bunch of sites off of it. Every year for the past decade it’s felt jankier. Tumblr’s backend has to be a dumpster fire for this to seem like a good idea.

    My criticism aside, WP still has the convenience factor of being the open source web platform that has a plugin for just about any need. Whether those plugins are gonna break for site or introduce interesting new vulnerabilities is a different discussion.

  • From what I remember from writing an undergrad history paper on these dudes, it was used for lots of things such as a treatment for chlamydia (or another STI - I don’t remember exactly). These dudes were banging their way across America, especially the black slave they brought along as apparently the locals thought he had big magic.

    I’m not condoning any of this sort of colonialism - just clarifying that these dudes probably single-handedly introduced some new STIs to whole populations, and they were dragging their leaky mercury-riddled dicks along in their boats.

  • To give this dude credit, from the rest of the quote in the article it sounds like he’s genuinely standing up against this sort of hate, and I expect it’s at a very tangible personal cost. I find it almost unbelievable that anyone who genuinely opposes hate of a sort that’s become a part of the absolute fabric of modern conservatism could still be a Republican, but apparently this dude is the exception. I hope he has the sense to get out now, but I’ll take what genuine progress I can get given I’ve largely written off most conservatives as a lost cause.