I am against animal agriculture for the same reason I am against sexism, racism, ableism, classism and homophobia.

The circumstances of a creatures birth does not dictate what it is “meant for”, every one deserves to live happy, healthily and with dignity, but some simply want to live.

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 4th, 2024


  • Exactly!!! Porn exists and is easily accessible to anyone that looks. I watch TV and movies for story and charcters, not softcore. It’s just tacky and uncomfortable to make it part of an otherwise serious drama. Yes humans have sex and that’s nothing to be ashamed of nor hidden, but we don’t need tits and titillation to show these two characters are intimate.

  • True Incognito mode is a myth, it only stops keeping a history in the tab of that browser. Everytime you use a browser to go to any site ever, the browser logs you went there. So does your ISP and the site your connecting to. No matter which mode or browser you use, if you go to Google, then Google knows you went there and logs your searches.

    The closest you can come to browsing the web anonymously would be with a mix of dedicated privacy OS like Tails and either a VPN or Tor as a middile man, but that assumes those proxys are not corrupted. Free VPNs make money by selling your “secret browsing” habits.

    The internet is nothing more than wires, if you connect your wire to someone elses, every intermediatary knows.

  • inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneGen Z Truth Rule
    3 days ago

    Millenal here, but yeah there are too many wildly unnecessary sex scenes in a lot of mediaLike, if it’s an earned thing as part of a romance movie? Sure. But if there are bouncing titties I the first 30 minutes I’m just annoyed and uncomfortable. Looking at you HBO, a conversation between two charcters isn’t helped by them banging while talking.

    Plz stahp.

    But, I’m also ace too… so maybe I’m biased 😂

  • but c’mon people. Think.

    You need to take your own advice and think on the context of arts commercial useage and the truth that every human exists because of past human accomplishments.

    In terms of human perspective with digital tools AI’s difference of scale is a difference of kind. Photoshop fundamentally didn’t change the process and concept of producing images. It’s still a human sitting down with tools and producing art based off their ideas and rendered with their skill.

    But AI removes that human process, now a string of keywords will mash up existing art to make a facsimile of something unique. AI doesn’t make anything new, it fundamentally can’t, therefore not really art. All of human culture is standing on the shoulders of historical giants, you and I can have this conversation because of someone else inventing computers, which exist because of someone utilizing electricity, which was only possible by the wheel, only possible by fire etc.

    However I don’t think there is much to gain in criticism of an artist buying their paints from a store just as there isn’t any in artists using a mouse. Their perspective, skill and talent will produce something new, inspired by others undoubtedly, but not copy pasting brushstrokes. I hope we agree that’s plagerisn and intrinsically not unique.

    This is all philosophy of existentialism, what IS art and when does it become something else? The artistsy of the writers, painters and editors is what produces a compelling end multi generational international product like DND. Which is different than an end user using AI to spice up a character sheet inside the privacy of their own home.

    AI is a wonderful tool, but only if the end use doesn’t really matter. My players and I don’t care about 11 fingered elves, but I’d be pissed to see that in a book I paid $50+ for. Just as I would be upset to read flavor text that recruisve of past writing or game mechanics designed by a machine incapable of actually running a session. If you are charging for a product, human artistry should be involved, anything else is free so who cares. Removing the human factor is the rubicon that changes digital art to high concept machine assisted plagerism.