That wasn’t a bad retort, you get a bananna.
That wasn’t a bad retort, you get a bananna.
Even if this would be a flat cut across the board who do you think would benefit more from this cut, proportionally? A family with 100K income taxed at a flat rate of 35% or a family with 100,000K taxed at the same rate? Who would save more money from a tax cut in this scenario?
How are low and middle income households harmed in this scenario?
You do understand why tax rates should be progressive, right?
I know you just learned what progressive taxes and tax cuts are and are excited to use it, but you’re far from an expert.
You have seen that this administration is currently cutting agencies related to consumers protection and state management, right? Are you living in the same reality as all of us or are you living the MAGA dream?
If the cfpa was serious about its job they would not have spent more in renovations than all the rest of federal government, or pass on any of the fines it imposed against lenders to the people they harmed. They are helping themselves not consumers.
Once more you don’t understand the concept of soft power. If you think that cutting spending abroad will benefit the USA while China and Russia keep on spending on developing countries to entrench their politics in these parts of the world you are even stupider than what you sound like
There’s no ROI on usaid money so getting rid of it won’t hurt the US. ie giving you $1000 won’t make you conservative. To do that I’d need to teach you work ethic, accountability, self reliance, maybe a trade, and a whole bunch of self confidence, then maybe you would be more focused on things you can do to improve your life instead of what others should do for you.
I’ve never encountered someone so convinced they were intelligent but are closer to a fecies flinging ape than Einstein on an intelligence scale. You are a unicorn.
If you apply such cut only above a certain threshold income everyone under that threshold will not reap the benefit of that cut
It’s a flat cut accross the board so this doesn’t apply. Everyone’s tax rate is lowered the same amount. Remember this tax isn’t a progressive tax cut, you still remember what a progressive tax cut is.
they will be affected by a lack of investments in public spending and services which will derive from a lower income in the state revenue caused by said tax cut.
That’s a simpletons understanding of how funding works. If nothing is cut then the deficit increases, this is common. If foreign aid is cut how does that harm the taxpayer? If defense spending is cut how does that harm the taxpayer?
My point is taxes go to so much more than infrastructure and social programs that the US spends taxpayer money on. There are a lot of things than can be cut and not harm low income families.
Hopefully now you’ll see why your simple statement is just ignorant of what is really going on.
I already shown you that you don’t even know the policies of an administration you support and that is going to screw the middle and low classes in favour of a tiny percentage of the wealthiest elite
How is a tax cut screwing over the middle class? Do we need to add screwed over to the list of words you don’t understand.
How do you enjoy being so angry?
You claimed the numbers I provided don’t look accurate and more granular numbers will prove your point but don’t provide any. Seems like you’re saying the numbers must be wrong but can’t provide any data to back that claim. That almost sounds like you have no data and are going off your preconceived notions.
You haven’t made a sentient point yet. You don’t know what a progressive tax cut is, you don’t know the difference between billion and trillion. Now you’ve regressed to primate level intelligence and are flinging poo.
The vouchers in my area pay for all tutition for private school for low and middle income families. There is no tutition cost for families. It lets low income families escape failing schools.
Affluent white area by any chance?
That’s the one area where public schools outperform private in my area. The less wealthy the neighborhood the more likely private schools do better.
And those religious “schools” that don’t have to confirm to standards. Sure they are churning out real productive, fully functioning adults.
A requirement for accepting state money is standards have to be met. Private highschool graduates have higher ACT scores, higher acceptence rates into college, higher college graduation rates.
Still can’t understand why any of this is so triggering to you. I guess some people just like to be upset.
If a public school performs poorly they get more money, if a voucher school performs poorly they get closed. In my area voucher schools perform better than public schools and cost half as much.
Who would have thought cleaning up wasteful and corrupt agencies in the US would be so triggering to someone in Europe.
Is it because I don’t resort to name calling or have a weird fecal obsession?
The numbers must be wrong since they go against your preconceived notions.
So much anger is such a little person.
Bush 43 tried having nantional standards and instituted profiency tests with no child left behind. Due to there being consequences for poorly performing schools and teachers, Obama capitulated to the teachers union and switched to letting the states determine tests and standards. Public school teachers may want what’s best for students but the teachers union does not.
You got to yell louder the clouds didn’t hear you.
Once again a drop in revenue does not mean any of those services are being cut. On top of that if the tax cuts are not renewed the exact thing your hypothetical situation will happen. The government will be taking much needed money from low income families.
Your ignorance of economics is showing, price gouging doesn’t work in a healthy economy. Then your ignorance of the assortment of agencies besides the useless cfpa that are not being targeted that perform consumer protection is long.
Influence would be return on investment, countries learned long ago that usaid money didn’t have stings attached. Countries that don’t play ball still get pallets of cash.
It’s funny that a someone who thinks flinging feeces is a form of communication would claim others don’t know how to interact.