Only hard until you start to understand the dance moves. Then it becomes pure nirvana.
After NG+7 I had to stop playing it and give some other games a chance.
Dark/Demon Souls. Elden Ring
Rolling to evade incoming enemy attack.
Always thought it being a strange way to do this. Bloodborne and Sekiro dodges seem more realistic.
Hope Vaati explains.
I might have worded it clumsily… I don’t think anyone should watch ALL movies or not to look up stuff.
I think it’s important to learn to choose your media without outside help and/or manipulation (ads, paid reviews etc.). I do look for reviews when it comes to video games, since I don’t know many people IRL who play much.
No one has the time to watch all movies.
You are afraid to waste time on a movie you might find bad? How will you know if a movie is good if you never seen a bad movie?
It’s perfectly OK to watch random movies. Be adventurous, it’s art after all. If you only watch popular movies you’ll never find your niche, something that fulfills your art/entertainment needs.
Why do you need anyone or any site telling you what you like and what not? Just watch the movies. Be your own judge and executioner.
I have a letterboxed acc, just for tracking purposes. Most reviews on letterboxd are reddit style “funny” “jokes”, so no point in reading those either. Just go by genre, director, etc. and have fun. I do sometimes check the lists on there tho.
Best Kims!