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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • English ain’t my first language, but I’ve often seen “cleaning” being used without a direct object, either because it’s implied (“put away after cleaning”) or because the action is meant to be generic and not limited to a specific object (“I’m going to do some cleaning”)… in this case it could be both (specific: the cat itself, or specific parts thereof, generic: the cat itself, the other cat, the coach, anything within reach; cats can often get carried away, when cleaning).

  • The story goes that, after watching the film, Reagan asked the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff ”Could something like this really happen? Could someone break into our most sensitive computers?”, and, after looking into it for a week, the general came back with the reply “Mr. president, the problem is much worse than you think.”, which prompted Reagan into setting off a series of interagency memos and studies that led to the signing of classified national security decision directive NSDD-145, “National Policy on Telecommunications and Automated Information Systems Security.”.

    So… yeah, things probably actually were that bad, or even worse (except for the AI bit, of course).

  • Let me tell you, most people don’t doomscroll 24/7

    That’s no excuse for wilful ignorance.

    People have kids because that’s what chemistry in their bodies makes them want, that’s what drives us and other species to procreate.

    Healthy people also have the ability to control their animal impulses. If you want sex, use contraceptives. If you for some reason want children, adopt.

    Things are bad, but these arrogant and condescending comments are extremely stupid.

    You’re projecting now. What’s arrogant, selfish, and extremely stupid (and downright sadistic) is to bring more children into this fucked up world.

    You aren’t better or smarter than people who have kids.

    At least I’m not responsible for the suffering and eventual death of any other human beings.

    Having children is morally equivalent to murder by itself (you are directly responsible for your children’s future deaths, which wouldn’t be possible if you hadn’t caused them to be alive to start with), these days it’s murder and torture.