Yeh, that’s a good point, about the loaner and privacy. Will see if I can borrow a phone from a friend while I send it off.
I use this font for any document I type up, if it’s to be consumed by anyone else but myself.
Classic. exists.
Update: Ended up chancing it, north lift was of course out of order. They have a LED panel at the elevator entrance at both the north and the south lift entrance that states the status of both the north and south lift. Why can’t they publish that status on their website? If that’s too hard, set up a live camera feed of that display, and embed that feed on the website.
I hear you on the Woolwich tunnel. Even more abysmal.
The fact that they can sum the trip count does witness about some kind of data coming back somewhere, but that’s about it.
The page also doesn’t specify if the “the last 30 days” are the last 30 days leading up to the last update of the page, or the actual last 30 calendar days, making the page information to be even less useful to base anything on, except for anecdotal observations.
Oh no, couldn’t have happened to a nicer pair of brothers. 40 months
Do they normally give membership to only people with scientist credentials? Does Musk have scientist credentials?
This has also been my speculation, but it seems there a civil lawsuit in the US, from a Floridian victim.
From the FT on the 17th of February (paywalled):
They are indeed wanted in the UK. I too don’t believe they will be extradited to the UK for those cases. Looks like the brothers got at least 4 years of freedom on American soil.
More context in this post which cites a Romanian source.
Maybe not Starmer related, just asshole related. Some sources saying their appeal was successful:
Is that a Trump bargaining chip before the talks with Starmer? in the house 👋
What are MAPs? First time I’ve come across it.
Thanks for checking.