In the land of the free, the goal is to privatize everything.
In the land of the free, the goal is to privatize everything.
Yeah, socks and undies tend to disintegrate over time, so perhaps 4 years for socks, 6 for undies?
The rest of the wardrobe could (and has!) last decades.
Shower of Power.
Was it an opal pendant, or perhaps a cameo?
Also, I prefer French press over percolate.
“God’s perfect world, and just desserts all 'round!”
Plus, is my left arm numb or is that my funny bone?
If I know it’s a 10 minute read:
I can decide NOW whether to continue.
Or in 1 minute whether to continue.
Or in 4 minutes whether to continue.
Or in 8 minutes…
Drill, baby, drill.
Is that you, John Roberts?
Between Ivankada and Erico.
Sorta like asking his kids for permission to do as he says…
The un- asked/answered question is, “how are you feeling…?”
The fuckers forgot their car keys and had to dash back in!
There’s 2 playing my game!?!??
“Let them eat cake!”
“The cake is a lie!”
However, let’s take a look at the G7 (or 8!)…not seeing much promise, even Canada…
The Trump stench has to be unbearable, too.
Is the table used to hold your pants as you change your diaper?