• 24 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 15th, 2024

  • They planted bombs in hardware that is used exclusively by Hezbollah operatives and their accomplices to evade gathering sigint. Yes, civilians got hurt. That’s the nature of war, and what makes it so horrible - people who might hold no malice nor pose any threat to the other side get hurt and die.

    How is this argument different than defending the use of landmines?

    So the pagers were ordered by Hamas. You send that text you don’t know if they are at a daycare picking up their kids, if they lost the pager and it’s sitting on some restaurant owner’s countertop next to some other family, etc etc etc.

    There are so many things that can happen between when those pagers get rigged and sent out and the time they are detonated.

    If Israel seemed at all like they tried to avoid bombing and shooting civilians in Gaza we could at least defend their actions there by saying “clearly they are trying to avoid civilian casualties” (we can’t, but we could) - but there is nothing but hopes and prayers to avoid civilian casualties in an attack like this.

    Literally if any non-governmental entity did the same thing, no one would hesitate to call it a terrorist attack. And that’s what it is here, a terrorist attack.

  • I don’t see this being examined in any objective and scientific way.

    What would be scientific would be to allow women and their doctors to evaluate those risks together and make the decision without Republican lawmakers continuing to try to insert themselves in between. Sorry if that’s too emotional.

    I’m also quite sure there are scientific journal papers that cover this. I feel like you are expecting an awful lot from an article about a specific event on politico.

    It is literally the highlighted quote in the article: “we actually have the substantiated proof of something we already knew—that abortion bans kill people.”

    For someone who complains about others not being objective, I find it unexpected that this is what you would quote to support this assertion by you:

    using a sample size of 1 as evidence of an epidemic

  • and the perception that no women die from legal abortion procedures.

    I don’t know anyone who has edit: [ever expressed] that perception. Anecdotal I know, but I’m skeptical it’s a common belief among adults of voting age.

    using a sample size of 1 as evidence of an epidemic

    I don’t see that word, nor any language that conveys that impression in the article.

    I do see this:

    At least two women in Georgia died after they couldn’t access legal abortions and timely medical care in their state, ProPublica has found. This is one of their stories.

    That seems pretty straightforward and unsensationalized to me.

  • I can’t believe so many people are describing it that way. It’s clear there are plenty who will still vote for them.

    I just see this making the Democrats even more conservative since the few non-batshit Rs will start looking that way and the leadership will try to woo them. (as they already are)

    Progressives and actual leftists are going to be less represented, not more.

    At least that’s my gloomy take. I’d love to be talked out of it.