American Expat means leaving the USA. ”ExPat" means ex-patriot. Not the best word, but it’s what people use.
American Expat means leaving the USA. ”ExPat" means ex-patriot. Not the best word, but it’s what people use.
I think this article illustrates a problem I’ve had on my mind for a while. We don’t have a unified message or banner.
Everyone’s own cause for reaistance seems to supplant the overarching issue in their own mind. Few are zoomed out and unifying under the larger issue: the usurpation of democracy.
The root cause is money. Capitalism gone sour holds us hostage. Legalized bribery in the form of campaign contributions solidify political allegiances. Social media distracts us and commodifies our lives and interests.
We are working 40+ hour weeks and barely scraping by. We are held captive by constant consumption of video. Perpetual entertainment to distract us from the pain of life.
We need to realize we’re all on one side and the mega-rich are the enemy. Remove monetary incentives and the politicians will fall into line. America is lost until this gets fixed.
Dear Canadians,
Despite being fully taken over by morons, this soon-to-be US expat loves you.
Why is this funny?
That’s not the only quality of a democracy.
Gated enclaves? Sounds great. /s
It’s not remotely trying to be progressive. It’s cosplaying as caring while raking in them donor dollars.
Look at that crustache on his upper lip. Iconic.
Please use something to remove Paywalls here on Lemmy. This isn’t Reddit; we deserve better.
Why does their view count have any bearing on your enjoyment?
Yeah… the floodwaters have surged and it’s sort of rushing over lawfulness with abandon. I really like this analogy - thanks.
So, did we cross the Constitutional Crisis Rubicon when Trump ignored the judicial order?
I am convinced our elections were somehow rigged here in the states. At the very least, the bots changed the outcome. But now that the shit-heels are in power, there’s fuck-all that can be done about it. I’ve resigned myself to leave. I’ve been wanting to at least a decade or more, but I can’t rest on my comfort anymore. It’s time.
I do hope Canada can overcome this. I fear for the entire world. I am rooting for you, the EU, and general sanity worldwide.
Name of your porn.
I meant between your last letter and the punctuation marks. Not the spacing of the lines. Use an asterisk for lists if that’s your goal?
I bought some O’Hara’s Nitro Stout and liked it.
Paul Verhoeven couldn’t finish a short book so he picked two chapters that capture nothing of the book’s intent.
There’s debate on whether Heinlein meant it as satire or actual advice.
I will return home to my parents and family for visits. I have permission to work from mexico from my company. I may come back I’d the states get their shit together, but I’m tired of fighting for a lost cause.