When I die I hope it’s doing 2 of my favourite activities- sitting and doing nothing.

Also available here- @quinacridone@mander.xyz

  • 25 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 16th, 2022


  • Hi, I took onboard your comment and checked out my local adult learning college. I’ve signed up to do a maths course, I’m going to see how it goes and try not to freak out or drop out!

    I just think if I can make sense of day to day maths, I’ll consider it time well spent. I would absolutely love to understand science and its mathy language, the mini test I had to had graphs to interpret (which I couldn’t) so who knows…?

    Anyway, thanks for the kind words, your encouragement and the friendly kick up the arse 👍 😍

  • Thank you, I’ve starred your comment so I can use the link later on. They do have adult education classes near me so I can also see if that’s appropriate.

    Your mentioning about the science is partly why I’d like to understand maths, I love science and the natural world. I know when I’m watching BBC documentaries that the info is accurate, but I’d like to see how the maths proves and supports it… or just be able to see the patterns it makes

    Ironically, my dad was an accountant and would go through my homework when I was in primary school. You’d think he would be helpful and supportive? Nope, he get angry and shout and tell me to “just think”…!

    I literally didn’t have a clue where or how the correct answer was supposed to pop into my head. Not very helpful at all

  • As an autistic woman who was beyond inept at maths, I wish I’d had you as my teacher.

    I can always remember the day when I found out I’d scored around 12% and 8% on my simultaneous equations homework, and the teacher went through it on the board… I was so embarrassed that I went bright red, and even worse, my glasses steamed up

    I would love to understand and be able to do maths