Sure it has nothing to do with that buisiness and economic genius Trump! Nor are the actions of Musk’s to blame. USA is still best on all fronts /s
You know, it’s just … it’s … well, it’s just how things are right now.
Sure it has nothing to do with that buisiness and economic genius Trump! Nor are the actions of Musk’s to blame. USA is still best on all fronts /s
You know, it’s just … it’s … well, it’s just how things are right now.
Well … trump SHOULD be impeached. Ignoring the law should be an absolute nono.
I found graylog and the likes nice but as you said heavy on resources. I now have a central rsyslog server (on debian 12) that first does some filtering of log lines I don’t care about and then stores log in postgress. Grafana lives on that same host and I’m very happy with it. It performs quite well with just a fraction of resources graylog had as bare minimum. (The server has 4 sockets and 8Gb mem, storage to SSD while 4 firewalls, 3 switches, 4 AP’s and 20 servers logging to it) In the proxmox console I see 2Gb mem is used and the cpu is bored (<5%)
Mine are “The luggage” and “death” …still waiting for them to join in adventure
Not a book, but two series: The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy (Douglas Adams) and the Discworld series (Terry Pratchett)
In both series I think the first book is the best
What do you mean “IF” ?? There is no IF He just hasn’t figured out how to succeed and get away with it. As soon as he has the answer to that…
Why? Actions have consequences. If your good deeds outweigh the bad ones you’re okay. If bad deeds outweigh the good ones, people know you as elon musk.
Nothing ever is his fault /s
Could it be he has issues with freedom of speech/opinion (actually freedom in general) ? Asking for a friend
How ironic.
Great job UK! Now my dick feels insulted.
Adolf Hitler had German Shepherd ( Blondi) which often stayed by his side
bro, I despised you already but now you went so far beyond the limits, there is no turning back! Don’t feed dogs? Anyone who trained a dog and works with that dog would rather starve than not taking care of the dog. But I get it, dogs are loving and loyal to the extreme. Both are concept you will never comprehend.
Depends, how tight is the spring? At high velocity i’d guess a marble will penetrate the body, where at low velocity a marbel would be easier to stop
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The world does not need (should not have) billionaires. When you have a couple of millions, it’s enough to last you a lifetime.
We have the best sun. No one has better sunshine than florida. I highly doubt any other country has sunshine, and if they do, they stole it from the USA !! I promise you even more sunshine before this weekend for i’ll get it back from those countries. I’ll make them bringing it back and they are gonna pay. /s
But the snowbirds will just take their business and money some place else, some place they are welcome. In less than four years they get used and there will be no returning to florida.
If you don’t like the rules, change them of leave the game. But do not break the rules. Do not become like him.
It’s not my sanity that’s gone missing…, so No, I have no such illusions / hopes