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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2023


  • I was going to say this. I hate Java as much as the next dev, but everything runs on Java. If it’s web -> Spring, DevOps -> Jenkins, Event Streams -> Kafka, Big Data -> Spark, Logging & SRE -> Flink. All of these are built on JVM based languages. I am fortunate enough to program Rust daily at my job, but my options for getting another Rust job are severely limited. Everybody always wants Java or Go. They always ask for C++ , but I’m convinced that day 1 they would have you switch to Java.

  • Yes it’s managements fault. Get asked to rapidly prototype a feature/service. 80% chance the lift is too big, won’t meet requirements, is literally impossible without a quantum computer and 5.2 gig watts of power, not wasting time writing tests for a prototype that will most likely be trashed. When the 20% case happens, scope writing tests, but the customer has already seen the MVP work and is clamoring to get it out now! I explain we need unit and integration testing, proper CI/CD, need to implement logging and Datadog integration, build in Okta integration and with testing, etc… you get the point, these are necessary and non-trivial task, but most don’t understand why when you just had a working prototype. Customer screams at your manager to deploy what you have now, bugs inevitably introduced, you spend time debugging issues that would have been caught with unit/integration testing or just a little more time refining your service, don’t have time to iterate or improve because of fixing bugs. The cycle continues…

  • Sitting still and I wasn’t the only one, I didn’t have ADHD or anything, I was a boy who was in a class with a bunch of his friends and was told to sit still and quiet for 8 hours a day and if we were lucky we got a 20 minute recess but now of that was lining up and walking outside and back inside. Also, from the Midwest so odds are it was cancelled and we had to stay inside and read because it was too hot, too cold, too rainy, or too tornadoey outside.

    I still get into arguments with my mom to this day about this. She told me I was “always getting in trouble” but it was because I was bored out of my mind and having to sit still all day. Me and most young boys are out into a lose/lose situation with modern schooling.

    1. Severely herniated disc - I screamed at an ER doc that wouldn’t give me an MRI (or at least a referral) and tried to send me home with prednisone and ibuprofen. I had herniated my disc before but not as bad so knew what was up and I had taken prednisone for it and it just makes it worse. Doctor’s are so quick to be like “this is drug seeking behavior“ and I’m like yep can you also give me an MRI so I can be one step closer to treatment. Eventually got spinal surgery and mostly feel better.

    2. migraines

    3. sun poisoning on shoulders

    4. colitis flare up

    5. broken arm

    6. sprained ankle