It could be much better if they would finally release an app for mobile devices. At least for me it’s the major showstopper.
Familienvater, Tech- und PV-Fan (12,6 kWp/15,6 kWh), Elektromobilist, Gutmensch, ParentsForFuture, im Herzen grün
geboren um 333 ppm
Hinweis: AfD-Fans, Schwurbler, Putin-Fans, sonstige Leerdenker und Nappsülzen werden kommentarlos blockiert.
It could be much better if they would finally release an app for mobile devices. At least for me it’s the major showstopper.
Understandable. Sad, but understandable.
The climate goals are meetable.
If we want to.
Unless AI forces us to do stuff that we know for decades to be necessary, nothing will change, except a massive amount of additional energy that we need to power the AI.
I would not use „Amerika“ if I would refer to the US. I usually mean the geographical combination of North and South America if I would use the term.
If I want to reference the US, I would use „die USA“, „die Vereinigten Staaten“ or in short just „die Staaten“.
End of an era.
Thank you for providing a lot of high quality content for so many years!
It is for quite some time.