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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • J

    Nothing much to say about today’s. I think I wrote basically the same code you’d write in Python, just with fewer characters, more of which are punctuation. I did learn a little bit more about how to use J’s step debugger, and that / is specifically a right fold, so you can use it on a dyad with arguments of different types as long as the list argument is the left one.

    data_file_name =: '15.data'
    lines =: cutopen fread data_file_name
    NB. instructions start with the first line not containing a # character
    start_of_moves =: 0 i.~ '#' e."1 > lines
    grid =: ,. > start_of_moves {. lines
    start_row =: 1 i.~ '@' e."1 grid
    start_col =: '@' i.~ start_row { grid
    pos =: start_row, start_col
    grid =: '.' ( start_of_moves }. lines
    translate_move =: monad define"0
       if. y = '>' do. 0 1
       elseif. y = '^' do. _1 0
       elseif. y = '<' do. 0 _1
       elseif. y = 'v' do. 1 0
       else. 0 0 end.
    moves =: translate_move move_instructions
    NB. pos step move updates grid as needed and returns the new position
    step =: dyad define"1 1
       new_pos =. x + y
       if. '#' = (< new_pos) { grid do. x  NB. obstructed by wall
       elseif. '.' = (< new_pos) { grid do. new_pos  NB. free to move
       else.  NB. it's 'O', need to push a stack
          p =. new_pos  NB. pointer to box at end of stack
          while. 'O' = (< p) { grid do. p =. p + y end.
          if. '#' = (< p) { grid do. x  NB. stack is blocked
          else.  NB. move stack
             grid =: 'O.' (< p ,: new_pos)} grid
    score =: dyad define"0 2
       +/ ; ((<"0) 100 * i.#y) +&.> (< @: I. @: = & x)"1 y
    final_pos =: step~/ |. pos , moves  NB. / is a right fold
    result1 =: 'O' score grid
    translate_cell =: monad define"0
       if. y = '#' do. '##'
       elseif. y = '.' do. '..'
       elseif. y = 'O' do. '[]'
       else. '@.' end.
    grid2 =: (,/ @: translate_cell)"1 ,. > start_of_moves {. lines
    start_row2 =: 1 i.~ '@' e."1 grid2
    start_col2 =: '@' i.~ start_row { grid2
    pos =: start_row2, start_col2
    grid2 =: '.' (< pos)} grid2  NB. erase the @
    NB. (grid; box_pos) try_push dir attempts to push the box at box_pos one
    NB. cell in direction dir. box_pos can be either the left or right cell of
    NB. the box. it returns (grid; success) where grid is the maybe-changed grid
    NB. and success is whether the box moved. if any box that would be pushed
    NB. cannot move, this box cannot move either and the grid does not change.
    try_push =: dyad define"1 1
       'grid pos' =. x
       if. ']' = (< pos) { grid do. pos =. pos + 0 _1 end.  NB. make pos left cell
       source_cells =. pos ,: pos + 0 1
       if. 0 = {: y do.  NB. moving up or down
          target_cells =. (pos + y) ,: (pos + y + 0 1)  NB. cells we move into
       elseif. y -: 0 _1 do. target_cells =. 1 2 $ pos + y  NB. moving left
       else. target_cells =. 1 2 $ pos + y + 0 1 end.  NB. moving right
       NB. Have to check target cells one at a time because pushing a box up or
       NB. down may vacate the other target cell, or it may not
       trial_grid =. grid
       for_tc. target_cells do.
          NB. if a target cell is blocked by wall, fail
          if. '#' = (< tc) { trial_grid do. grid; 0 return.
          elseif. '[]' e.~ (< tc) { trial_grid do.
             'trial_grid success' =. (trial_grid; tc) try_push y
             if. -. success do. grid; 0 return. end.
       NB. at this point either target_cells are clear or we have returned failure,
       NB. so push the box
       grid =. '[]' (<"1 source_cells +"1 y)} '.' (<"1 source_cells)} trial_grid
       grid; 1
    NB. (grid; pos) step2 move executes the move and returns new (grid; pos)
    step2 =: dyad define"1 1
       'grid pos' =. x
       new_pos =. pos + y
       if. '#' = (< new_pos) { grid do. grid; pos  NB. obstructed by wall
       elseif. '.' = (< new_pos) { grid do. grid; new_pos  NB. free to move
       else.  NB. need to push a box
          'new_grid success' =. (grid; new_pos) try_push y
          if. success do. new_grid; new_pos else. grid; pos end.
    'final_grid final_pos' =: > (step2~ &.>)/ (<"1 |. moves) , <(grid2; pos)
    result2 =: '[' score final_grid

  • J

    Had to actually render output! What is this “user interface” of which you speak?

    J doesn’t have meaningful identifiers for system interfaces built into the core language because why would you ever do that. It’s all routed through the “foreign conjunction” !:. There are aliases in the library, like fread, but if the documentation gives a list of all of them, I haven’t found it. We’re doing 1980 style system calls by number here. 1 !: 2 is write(), so x (1 !: 2) 2 writes x (which must be a list of characters) to stdout. (6 !: 3) y is sleep for y seconds.

    It’s inefficient to compute, but I looked for low spots in the mean distance between robots to find the pattern for part 2. The magic numbers (11 and 101) were derived by staring at the entire series for a little bit.

    load 'regex'
    data_file_name =: '14.data'
    raw =: cutopen fread data_file_name
    NB. a b sublist y gives elements [a..a+b) of y
    sublist =: ({~(+i.)/)~"1 _
    parse_line =: monad define
       match =: 'p=(-?[[:digit:]]+),(-?[[:digit:]]+) v=(-?[[:digit:]]+),(-?[[:digit:]]+)' rxmatch y
       2 2 $ ". y sublist~ }. match
    initial_state =: parse_line"1 > raw
    'positions velocities' =: ({."2 ; {:"2) initial_state
    steps =: 100
    size =: 101 103
    step =: (size & |) @: +
    travel =: step (steps & *)
    quadrant =: (> & (<. size % 2)) - (< & (<. size % 2))
    final_quadrants =: quadrant"1 @: travel"1
    quadrant_ids =: 4 2 $ 1 1 _1 1 1 _1 _1 _1
    result1 =: */ +/"1 quadrant_ids -:"1/ positions final_quadrants velocities
    render =: monad define
       |: 'O' (<"1 y)} size $ '.'
    pair_distances =: monad : 'y (| @: j./ @: -/"1)/ y'
    loop =: dyad define
       positions =. positions step"1 (velocities * x)
       for_i. i. 1000 do.
          time_number =. x + i * y
          mean_distance =. (+/ % #) , pair_distances positions
          if. mean_distance < 50 do.
             (render positions) (1!:2) 2
             (": time_number, mean_distance) (1!:2) 2
             (6!:3) 1
          if. mean_distance < 35 do. break. end.
          positions =. positions step"1 (velocities * y)
    result2 =: 11 loop 101

  • J

    I think this puzzle is a bit of a missed opportunity. They could have provided inputs with no solution or with a line of solutions, so that the cost optimization becomes meaningful. As it is, you just have to carry out Cramer’s rule in extended precision rational arithmetic.

    load 'regex'
    data_file_name =: '13.data'
    raw =: cutopen fread data_file_name
    NB. a b sublist y gives elements [a..b) of y
    sublist =: ({~(+i.)/)~"1 _
    parse_button =: monad define
      match =. 'X\+([[:digit:]]+), Y\+([[:digit:]]+)' rxmatch y
      ". (}. match) sublist y
    parse_prize =: monad define
      match =. 'X=([[:digit:]]+), Y=([[:digit:]]+)' rxmatch y
      ". (}. match) sublist y
    parse_machine =: monad define
      3 2 $ (parse_button >0{y), (parse_button >1{y), (parse_prize >2{y)
    NB. x: converts to extended precision, which gives us rational arithmetic
    machines =: x: (parse_machine"1) _3 ]\ raw
    NB. A machine is represented by an array 3 2 $ ax ay bx by tx ty, where button
    NB. A moves the claw by ax ay, button B by bx by, and the target is at tx ty.
    NB. We are looking for nonnegative integer solutions to ax*a + bx*b = tx,
    NB. ay*a + by*b = ty; if there is more than one, we want the least by the cost
    NB. function 3*a + b.
    solution_rank =: monad define
      if. 0 ~: -/ . * }: y do. 0  NB. system is nonsingular
      elseif. */ (=/"1) 2 ]\ ({. % {:) |: y do. 1  NB. one equation is a multiple of the other
      else. _1 end.
    NB. solve0 yields the cost of solving a machine of solution rank 0
    solve0 =: monad define
      d =. -/ . * }: y
      a =. (-/ . * 2 1 { y) % d
      b =. (-/ . * 0 2 { y) % d
      if. (a >: 0) * (a = <. a) * (b >: 0) * (b = <. b) do. b + 3 * a else. 0 end.
    NB. there are actually no machines of solution rank _1 or 1 in the test set
    result1 =: +/ solve0"_1 machines
    machines2 =: machines (+"2) 3 2 $ 0 0 0 0 10000000000000 10000000000000
    NB. there are no machines of solution rank _1 or 1 in the modified set either
    result2 =: +/ solve0"_1 machines2

  • J

    Implementing flood fill or something like that would have been smart, so I didn’t do that. Instead I used a sparse-but-still-way-too-big-and-slow block matrix representation, which takes several minutes to compute the region partitions for the real problem. The rest is essentially simple, although counting edges has some picky details. The result is a lot of code though – way more than has been typical up to now.

    data_file_name =: '12.data'
    grid =: ,. > cutopen fread data_file_name
    data =: , grid
    'rsize csize' =: $ grid
    size =: # data
    inbounds =: monad : '(*/ y >: 0 0) * (*/ y < rsize, csize)'
    coords =: ($ grid) & #:
    uncoords =: ($ grid) & #.
    neighbors =: monad : 'uncoords (#~ inbounds"1) (coords y) +"1 (4 2 $ 1 0 0 1 _1 0 0 _1)'
    components =: 1 ((i.size) ,. i.size)} 1 $. (size, size); (0 1); 0
    NB. fuse (m, n) fuses together the components of linear indices m and n onto the
    NB. lesser of the two
    fuse =: monad define
       fused_row =. >./ y { components
       NB. 4 $. is a version of 1 I. that works on sparse arrays: it gives us the index array,
       NB. but it's rows of index vectors so we have to transpose to get just the column indices
       fused_indices =. {. |: 4 $. fused_row
       components =: 1 (, fused_indices (< @: ,"0/) fused_indices)} components
    NB. fuse_all fuses all adjacent pairs of cells according to the grid contents; this makes
    NB. a "block diagonal" matrix of 1's where the block index groups are components
    fuse_cols =: monad define
       for_r. i. rsize do.
          for_c. i. <: csize do.
             n =. uncoords (r, c)
             pair =. n, n + 1
             if. =/ (pair { data) do. fuse pair end.
    NB. To speed this up we only execute fusion once on each pair of adjacent contiguous groups,
    NB. since each row has already had its columns fused.
    fuse_rows =: monad define
       for_r. i. <: rsize do.
          cur_cell =. a:
          in_group =. 0
          for_c. i. csize do.
             n =. uncoords (r, c)
             if. cur_cell ~: n { data do.
                cur_cell =. n { data
                in_group =. 0
             pair =. n, n + csize
             if. =/ (pair { data) do.
                if. in_group = 1 do. continue.
                   fuse pair
                   in_group =. 1
             else. in_group =. 0 end.
    fuse_all =: fuse_rows @: fuse_cols
    NB. count_edges n counts the number of fenced edges, which is 4 minus the number of neighbor
    NB. cells in the same component
    component_neighbors =: monad : '(#~ ((= & (y { data)) @: ({ & data))) neighbors y'
    count_edges =: monad : '4 - # component_neighbors y'
    NB. components component_index n gives the least cell index in n's component
    component_index =: dyad : '<./ {. |: 4 $. y { x'
    NB. distinct components gives the list of component indices
    distinct_components =: monad : '~. 0 $. y component_index"_ 0 i.size'
    NB. components component_cells m gives the cell list of component m
    component_cells =: dyad : 'I. 0 $. y { x'"_ 0
    NB. components area m gives the area of component m
    area =: (# @: component_cells)"_ 0
    NB. components perimeter m gives the perimeter of component m
    perimeter =: (+/ @: (count_edges"0) @: component_cells)"_ 0
    components =: fuse_all components
    result1 =: +/ components (area * perimeter) distinct_components components
    NB. cell edges are given coordinates as follows: horizontal edges are numbered according to the
    NB. cell they are above, so [0..rsize] x [0..csize), and vertical edges are numbered according to
    NB. the cell they are left of, so [0..rsize) x [0..csize]. Two adjacent (connected) cell edges
    NB. belong to the same component edge if they have a component cell on the same side.
    NB. cell_edges m gives the edge coordinates in the schema above of the cell with linear index m,
    NB. as a boxed list horizontal_edges;vertical_edges.
    cell_edges =: monad define
       'r c' =. coords y
       neighbors =. component_neighbors y
       horiz_edges =. (-. ((y - csize), y + csize) e. neighbors) # 2 2 $ r, c, (>: r), c
       vert_edges =. (-. ((<: y), >: y) e. neighbors) # 2 2 $ r, c, r, >: c
       horiz_edges ; vert_edges
    NB. cells hconnected r c1 c2 if (r, c1) and (r, c2) are horizontally connected edges
    hconnected =: dyad define
       'r c1 c2' =. y
       if. 1 < c2 - c1 do. 0 return. end.
       if. (0 = r) +. rsize = r do. 1 return. end.
       upper_neighbors =. (uncoords"1) 2 2 $ (<: r), c1, (<: r), c2
       lower_neighbors =. (uncoords"1) 2 2 $ r, c1, r, c2
       (*/ upper_neighbors e. x) +. (*/ lower_neighbors e. x)
    NB. cells vconnected c r1 r2 if (r1, c) and (r2, c) are vertically connected edges
    vconnected =: dyad define
       'c r1 r2' =. y
       if. 1 < r2 - r1 do. 0 return. end.
       if. (0 = c) +. csize = c do. 1 return. end.
       left_neighbors =. (uncoords"1) 2 2 $ r1, (<: c), r2, <: c
       right_neighbors =. (uncoords"1) 2 2 $ r1, c, r2, c
       (*/ left_neighbors e. x) +. (*/ right_neighbors e. x)
    component_edges =: dyad define
       cells =. x component_cells y
       'raw_horiz raw_vert' =. (< @: ;)"1 |: cell_edges"0 cells
       edge_pairs_of_row =. ((> @: {.) (,"0 1) ((2 & (]\)) @: > @: {:))
       horiz_edge_groups =. ({. ;/.. {:) |: raw_horiz
       new_h_edges_per_row =. (-. @: (cells & hconnected)"1 &.>) (< @: edge_pairs_of_row)"1 horiz_edge_groups
       total_h_edges =. (# horiz_edge_groups) + +/ ; new_h_edges_per_row
       vert_edge_groups =. ({: ;/.. {.) |: raw_vert
       new_v_edges_per_row =. (-. @: (cells & vconnected)"1 &.>) (< @: edge_pairs_of_row)"1 vert_edge_groups
       total_v_edges =. (# vert_edge_groups) + +/ ; new_v_edges_per_row
       total_h_edges + total_v_edges
    result2 =: +/ components (area * (component_edges"_ 0)) distinct_components components

  • J

    If one line of code needs five lines of comment, I’m not sure how much of an improvement the “expressive power” is! But I learned how to use J’s group-by operator (/. or /..) and a trick with evoke gerund (`:0"1) to transform columns of a matrix separately. It might have been simpler to transpose and apply to rows.

    data_file_name =: '11.data'
    data =: ". > cutopen fread data_file_name
    NB. split splits an even digit positive integer into left digits and right digits
    split =: ; @: ((10 & #.) &.>) @: (({.~ ; }.~) (-: @: #)) @: (10 & #.^:_1)
    NB. step consumes a single number and yields the boxed count-matrix of acting on that number
    step =: monad define
       if. y = 0 do. < 1 1
       elseif. 2 | <. 10 ^. y do. < (split y) ,. 1 1
       else. < (y * 2024), 1 end.
    NB. reduce_count_matrix consumes an unboxed count-matrix of shape n 2, left column being
    NB. the item and right being the count of that item, and reduces it so that each item
    NB. appears once and the counts are summed; it does not sort the items. Result is unboxed.
    NB. Read the vocabulary page for /.. to understand the grouped matrix ;/.. builds; the
    NB. gerund evoke `:0"1 then sums under boxing in the right coordinate of each row.
    reduce_count_matrix =: > @: (({. ` ((+/&.>) @: {:)) `:0"1) @: ({. ;/.. {:) @: |:
    initial_count_matrix =: reduce_count_matrix data ,. (# data) $ 1
    NB. iterate consumes a count matrix and yields the result of stepping once across that
    NB. count matrix. There's a lot going on here. On rows (item, count) of the incoming count
    NB. matrix, (step @: {.) yields the (boxed count matrix) result of step item;
    NB. (< @: (1&,) @: {:) yields <(1, count); then *"1&.> multiplies those at rank 1 under
    NB. boxing. Finally raze and reduce.
    iterate =: reduce_count_matrix @: ; @: (((step @: {.) (*"1&.>) (< @: (1&,) @: {:))"1)
    count_pebbles =: +/ @: ({:"1)
    result1 =: count_pebbles iterate^:25 initial_count_matrix
    result2 =: count_pebbles iterate^:75 initial_count_matrix

  • J

    Who needs recursion or search algorithms? Over here in line noise array hell, we have built-in sparse matrices! :)

    data_file_name =: '10.data'
    grid =: "."0 ,. > cutopen fread data_file_name
    data =: , grid
    'rsize csize' =: $ grid
    inbounds =: monad : '(*/ y >: 0 0) * (*/ y < rsize, csize)'
    coords =: ($ grid) & #:
    uncoords =: ($ grid) & #.
    NB. if n is the linear index of a point, neighbors n lists the linear indices
    NB. of its orthogonally adjacent points
    neighbors =: monad : 'uncoords (#~ inbounds"1) (coords y) +"1 (4 2 $ 1 0 0 1 _1 0 0 _1)'
    uphill1 =: dyad : '1 = (y { data) - (x { data)'
    uphill_neighbors =: monad : 'y ,. (#~ (y & uphill1)) neighbors y'
    adjacency_of =: monad define
       edges =. ; (< @: uphill_neighbors"0) i.#y
       NB. must explicitly specify fill of integer 0, default is float
       1 edges} 1 $. ((#y), #y); (0 1); 0
    adjacency =: adjacency_of data
    NB. maximum path length is 9 so take 9th power of adjacency matrix
    leads_to_matrix =: adjacency (+/ . *)^:8 adjacency
    leads_to =: dyad : '({ & leads_to_matrix) @: < x, y'
    trailheads =: I. data = 0
    summits =: I. data = 9
    scores =: trailheads leads_to"0/ summits
    result1 =: +/, 0 < scores
    result2 =: +/, scores

  • J

    Mostly-imperative code in J never looks that nice, but at least the matrix management comes out fairly clean. Part 2 is slow because I didn’t cache the lengths of free intervals or the location of the leftmost free interval of a given length, instead just recalculating them every time. One new-ish construct today is dyadic ]\. The adverb \ applies its argument verb to sublists of its right argument list, the length of those sublists being specified by the absolute value of the left argument. If it’s positive, the sublists overlap; if negative, they tile. The wrinkle is that monadic ] is actually the identity function – we actually want the sublists, not to do anything with them, so we apply the adverb \ to ]. For example, _2 ]\ v reshapes v into a matrix of row length 2, without knowing the target length ahead of time like we would need to for $.

    data_file_name =: '9.data'
    input =: "."0 , > cutopen fread data_file_name
    compute_intervals =: monad define
       block_endpoints =. 0 , +/\ y
       block_intervals =. 2 ]\ block_endpoints
       result =. (<"2) 0 2 |: _2 ]\ block_intervals
       if. 2 | #y do. result =. result 1}~ (}: &.>) 1 { result end.
    'file_intervals free_intervals' =: compute_intervals input
    interval =: {. + (i. @: -~/)
    build_disk_map =: monad define
       disk_map =. (+/ input) $ 0
       for_file_int. y do.
          disk_map =. file_int_index (interval file_int)} disk_map
    compact =: dyad define
       p =. <: # y  NB. pointer to block we're currently moving
       for_free_int. x do.
          for_q. interval free_int do.
             NB. If p has descended past all compacted space, done
             if. p <: q do. goto_done. end.
             NB. Move content of block p to block q; mark block p free
             y =. (0 , p { y) (p , q)} y
             NB. Decrement p until we reach another file block
             p =. <: p
             while. 0 = p { y do. p =. <: p end.
    disk_map =: build_disk_map file_intervals
    compacted_map =: free_intervals compact disk_map
    checksum =: +/ @: (* (i. @: #))
    result1 =: checksum compacted_map
    move_file =: dyad define
       'file_intervals free_intervals' =. x
       file_length =. -~/ y { file_intervals
       target_free_index =. 1 i.~ ((>: & file_length) @: -~/)"1 free_intervals
       if. (target_free_index < # free_intervals) do.
          'a b' =. target_free_index { free_intervals
          if. a < {. y { file_intervals do.
             c =. a + file_length
             file_intervals =. (a , c) y} file_intervals
             free_intervals =. (c , b) target_free_index} free_intervals
       file_intervals ; free_intervals
    move_compact =: monad define
       for_i. |. i. # > 0 { y do. y =. y move_file i end.
    move_compacted_map =: build_disk_map > 0 { move_compact compute_intervals input
    result2 =: checksum move_compacted_map

  • J

    J really doesn’t have hashes! Or anything like hashes! And it’s really annoying after a while!

    What it does have is automatic internal optimization via hashing of the “index of” operation m i. n where m is a fixed list (the object being searched) and n is the query, which can vary. But as soon as you update m the hash table is thrown away. And you still have to choose some kind of numeric key, or store a list of boxed pairs where the first coordinate is the key – effectively this is an old-style Lisp association list, but with extra steps because you have to use boxing to defeat J’s automatic array concatenation and reshaping. If you want non-cubical shapes (J calls these “ragged arrays”), or heterogeneous lists, you end up writing u &.> a lot – this means “unbox, apply u then rebox”. J arrays are required to be rectangular and homogeneous, but a boxed anything is a single atom just like a number is.

    It’s just a really bad choice of language if you want data structures other than essentially-cubical arrays. On the other hand, once you beat the list manipulation primitives into producing your 1970s Lisp data structure of choice, the rest of the program is as nice as it usually is.

    data_file_name =: '8.data'
    grid =: ,. > cutopen fread data_file_name
    'rsize csize' =: $ grid
    inbounds =: monad : '(*/ y >: 0 0) * (*/ y < rsize, csize)'
    antenna_types =: (#~ (~: & '.')) ~. , grid
    NB. list_antennas gives a list of boxed matrices of shape 2 n_k in cell k, where
    NB. n_k is the number of antennas of type k and the rows are coordinates of that type
    list_antennas =: monad define
       antenna_locs =. (# antenna_types) $ a:
       for_r. i. rsize do.
          for_c. i. csize do.
             cell =. y {~ <(r, c)
             if. '.' ~: cell do.
                at =. antenna_types i. cell
                antenna_locs =. ((<(r, c)) ,&.> at { antenna_locs) at} antenna_locs
       NB. _2 ]\ l reshapes l into length 2 rows without finding its length ahead of time
       (_2 & (]\))&.> antenna_locs
    NB. a1 pair_antinodes a2 gives the two antinodes from that pair
    pair_antinodes =: dyad : '(#~ inbounds"1) ((2 * x) - y) ,: (2 * y) - x'
    NB. if u is a symmetric dyad expecting rank 1 arguments, u on_pairs is a monad
    NB. expecting a list of rank 1 arguments, and yields the concatenation of x u y
    NB. where (x, y) is drawn from the (unordered) pairs of elements of the argument
    NB. see page_pairs in 5.ijs for a non-point-free version of pair enumeration
    on_pairs =: adverb define
       ; @: (< @: u/"2) @: ({~ (; @: (< @: (,~"0 i.)"0) @: i. @: #))
    NB. antinodes antennas gives a list (may contain duplicates) of all the antinodes from
    NB. that set of antennas
    antinodes =: pair_antinodes on_pairs
    NB. on_antennas concatenates and uniquifies result lists from all antennas
    on_antennas =: adverb define
       ~. @: ; @: (u &.>) @: list_antennas
    result1 =: # antinodes on_antennas grid
    NB. a1 res_antinodes a2 gives the list of antinodes from that pair with resonance
    res_antinodes =: dyad define
       step =. (% +./) x - y
       NB. lazy: max_steps doesn't take location of x into account
       max_steps =. <. (rsize % 1 >. | 0 { step) <. (csize % 1 >. 1 { step)
       (#~ inbounds"1) x +"1 step *"1 0 i: max_steps
    result2 =: # res_antinodes on_pairs on_antennas grid

  • J

    Didn’t try to make it clever at all, so it’s fairly slow (minutes, not seconds). Maybe rewriting foldl_ops in terms of destructive array update would improve matters, but the biggest problem is that I don’t skip unnecessary calculations (because we’ve already found a match or already reached too big a number). This is concise and follows clearly from the definitions, however.

    data_file_name =: '7.data
    lines =: cutopen fread data_file_name
    NB. parse_line yields a boxed vector of length 2, target ; operands
    NB. &. is "under": u &. v is v^:_1 @: u @: v with right rank of v
    parse_line =: monad : '(". &. >) (>y) ({.~ ; (}.~ >:)) '':'' i.~ >y'
    NB. m foldl_ops n left folds n by the string of binary operators named by m,
    NB. as indices into the global operators, the leftmost element of m naming
    NB. an operator between the leftmost two elements of n. #m must be #n - 1.
    foldl_ops =: dyad define
       if. 1 >: # y do. {. y else.
          (}. x) foldl_ops (((operators @. ({. x))/ 2 {. y) , 2 }. y)
    NB. b digit_strings n enumerates i.b^n as right justified digit strings
    digit_strings =: dyad : '(y # x) #:"1 0 i. x ^ y'
    feasible =: dyad define
       operators =: x  NB. global
       'target operands' =. y
       +./ target = ((# operators) digit_strings (<: # operands)) foldl_ops"1 operands
    compute =: monad : '+/ ((> @: {.) * (y & feasible))"1 parse_line"0 lines'
    result1 =: compute +`*
    concat =: , &.: (10 & #.^:_1)
    result2 =: compute +`*`concat

  • J

    Today’s the first one where I feel like the choice of language is a disadvantage without compensating advantages. Or, at least, I don’t know J well enough yet to use its compensating advantages for this kind of task, so what I end up with is Python 2 with obscure syntax and no associative data structures.

    Also, I can’t post my code, because apparently Lemmy is interpreting some of today’s bizarre line noise as hostile and sanitizing it. It looks more or less like the other imperative solutions here, just with more punctuation.

  • J

    This is a problem where J’s biases lead one to a very different solution from most of the others. The natural representation of a directed graph in J is an adjacency matrix, and sorting is specified in terms of a permutation to apply rather than in terms of a comparator: x /: y (respectively x \: y) determines the permutation that would put y in ascending (descending) order, then applies that permutation to x.

    data_file_name =: '5.data'
    lines =: cutopen fread data_file_name
    NB. manuals start with the first line where the index of a comma is < 5
    start_of_manuals =: 1 i.~ 5 > ',' i.~"1 > lines
    NB. ". can't parse the | so replace it with a space
    edges =: ". (' ' & (2}))"1 > start_of_manuals {. lines
    NB. don't unbox and parse yet because they aren't all the same length
    manuals =: start_of_manuals }. lines
    max_page =: >./ , edges
    NB. adjacency matrix of the page partial ordering; e.i. makes identity matrix
    adjacency =: 1 (< edges)} e. i. >: max_page
    NB. ordered line is true if line is ordered according to the adjacency matrix
    ordered =: monad define
       pages =. ". > y
       NB. index pairs 0 <: i < j < n; box and raze to avoid array fill
       page_pairs =. ; (< @: (,~"0 i.)"0) i. # pages
       */ adjacency {~ <"1 pages {~ page_pairs
    midpoint =: ({~ (<. @: -: @: #)) @: ". @: >
    result1 =: +/ (ordered"0 * midpoint"0) manuals
    NB. toposort line yields the pages of line topologically sorted by adjacency
    NB. this is *not* a general topological sort but works for our restricted case:
    NB. we know that each individual manual will be totally ordered
    toposort =: monad define
       pages =. ". > y
       NB. for each page, count the pages which come after it, then sort descending
       pages \: +/"1 adjacency {~ <"1 pages ,"0/ pages
    NB. midpoint2 doesn't parse, but does remove trailing zeroes
    midpoint2 =: ({~ (<. @: -: @: #)) @: ({.~ (i. & 0))
    result2 =: +/ (1 - ordered"0 manuals) * midpoint2"1 toposort"0 manuals

  • J

    Unsurprisingly this is the kind of problem that J is really good at. The dyadic case (table) of the adverb / is doing all the heavy lifting here: it makes a higher rank tensor by traversing items of the specified rank on each side and combining them according to the remaining frame of each side’s shape. The hard part is arranging the arguments so that your resulting matrix has its axes in the correct order.

    data_file_name =: '4.data'
    NB. cutopen yields boxed lines, so unbox them and ravel items to make a letter matrix
    grid =: ,. > cutopen fread data_file_name
    NB. pad the grid on every side with #'XMAS' - 1 spaces
    hpadded_grid =: (('   ' & ,) @: (, & '   '))"1 grid
    padded_grid =: (3 1 $ ' ') , hpadded_grid , (3 1 $ ' ')
    NB. traversal vectors
    directions =: 8 2 $ 1 0 1 1 0 1 _1 1 _1 0 _1 _1 0 _1 1 _1
    NB. rpos cpos matches rdir cdir if the string starting at rpos cpos in
    NB. direction rdir cdir is the string we want
    matches =: 4 : 0
    */ ,'XMAS' -: padded_grid {~ <"1 x +"1 y *"1 0 i. 4
    positions =: (3 + i. 0 { $ grid) ,"0/ (3 + i. 1 { $ grid)
    result1 =: +/, positions matches/ directions
    NB. pairs of traversal vectors
    x_directions =: 4 2 2 $ 1 1 _1 1 1 1 1 _1 _1 _1 _1 1 _1 _1 1 _1
    NB. rpos cpos x_matches 2 2 $ rdir1 cdir1 rdir2 cdir2 if there is an 'A' at
    NB. rpos cpos and the string in each of dir1 and dir2 centered at rpos cpos
    NB. is the string we want
    x_matches =: 4 : 0
    NB. (2 2 $ rdir1 cdir1 rdir2 cdir2) *"1 0/ (_1 + i.3) yields a matrix
    NB. 2 3 $ (_1 * dir1) , (0 * dir1) , (1 * dir1) followed by the same for dir2
    */ ,'MAS' -:"1 padded_grid {~ <"1 x +"1 y *"1 0/ _1 + i. 3
    )"1 2
    result2 =: +/, positions x_matches/ x_directions

  • J

    We can take advantage of the manageable size of the input to avoid explicit looping and mutable state; instead, construct vectors which give, for each character position in the input, the position of the most recent do() and most recent don't(); for part 2 a multiplication is enabled if the position of the most recent do() (counting start of input as 0) is greater than that of the most recent don't() (counting start of input as minus infinity).

    load 'regex'
    raw =: fread '3.data'
    mul_matches =: 'mul\(([[:digit:]]{1,3}),([[:digit:]]{1,3})\)' rxmatches raw
    NB. a b sublist y gives elements [a..b) of y
    sublist =: ({~(+i.)/)~"1 _
    NB. ". is number parsing
    mul_results =: */"1 ". (}."2 mul_matches) sublist raw
    result1 =: +/ mul_results
    do_matches =: 'do\(\)' rxmatches raw
    dont_matches =: 'don''t\(\)' rxmatches raw
    match_indices =: (<0 0) & {"2
    do_indices =: 0 , match_indices do_matches  NB. start in do mode
    dont_indices =: match_indices dont_matches
    NB. take successive diffs, then append length from last index to end of string
    run_lengths =: (}. - }:) , (((#raw) & -) @: {:)
    do_map =: (run_lengths do_indices) # do_indices
    dont_map =: (({. , run_lengths) dont_indices) # __ , dont_indices
    enabled =: do_map > dont_map
    result2 =: +/ ((match_indices mul_matches) { enabled) * mul_results

  • J

    There is probably a way to write this more point-free. You can definitely see here the friction involved in the way J wants to regard lists as arrays: short rows of the input matrix are zero padded, so you have to snip off the padding before you process each row, and that means you can’t lift some of the operations back up to the parent matrix because it will re-introduce the padding as it reshapes the result; this accounts for a lot of the "1 everywhere (you can interpret v"1 as “force the verb v to operate on rank 1 subarrays of the argument”).

    data_file_name =: '2.data'
    data =: > 0 ". each cutopen toJ fread data_file_name
    NB. {. take, i. index of; this removes trailing zeros
    remove_padding =: {.~ i.&0
    NB. }. behead, }: curtail; this computes successive differences
    diff =: }. - }:
    NB. a b in_range y == a <: y <: b
    in_range =: 4 : '(((0 { x) & <:) * (<: & (1 { x))) y'
    NB. a row is safe if either all successive differences are in [1..3] or all in [_3.._1]
    NB. +. or
    ranges =: 2 2 $ 1 3 _3 _1
    row_safe =: (+./"1) @: (*/"1) @: (ranges & (in_range"1 _)) @: diff @: remove_padding
    result1 =: +/ safe"1 data
    NB. x delete y is y without the xth element
    delete =: 4 : '(x {. y) , ((>: x) }. y)'"0 _
    modified_row =: 3 : 'y , (i.#y) delete y'
    modified_row_safe =: 3 : '+./"1 row_safe"1 modified_row"1 y'
    result2 =: +/ modified_row_safe data

  • The equation shown is a type of decomposition of a Lie algebra g that was introduced by Élie Cartan in his doctoral thesis. h is called a Cartan subalgebra of g.

    To answer what a Lie algebra is, an extremely hand-wavy description might be: a Lie group is a continuous group of symmetries of some geometric object (for example, the group SO(3) of rotations of three-dimensional space), and the corresponding Lie algebra is the “tangent space” to the group, that is, the space of tiny changes you can make that lie “along” the group.

    A lot of things in Lie theory and differential geometry are named after Élie Cartan, or sometimes after his son Henri.