Revolut (though a fintech company named after a revolution lacking the charge at the end is still moronic in several ways)
airbnb (from awful to meh)
Spotify (same)
Pinterest (original fit the platform and what it is/was pretty much perfectly. Current is meh)
eBay (both are bad IMO, but at least the original was bad in a playful and eye-catching way. The new one is just more meh
Burberry (the stag was notable and signalled a history of old-fashioned quality that’s suitably rugged. The new one is meh AND insecure about people knowing which London they’re from)
Rimova (yet another fashion brand apparently afraid of being noticed
DF (from one of the best and most fashion-appropriate logos to an absolute eyesore and kerning nightmare that invites vandalism)
Jaguar (From absolutely iconic and great in every way to even uglier than the new DF one. I hope whomever came up with that got both fired and beaten and I’m a pacifist.)
The rest just go from meh to slightly different meh 🤷
The rest just go from meh to slightly different meh 🤷
I liked the old aibnb one.
Microsoft went from “boring with a bit of attitude” to just plain boring
Microsoft went from 90s corporate to 10s corporate
Spot on.