I hate these groups where they have been conditioned to believe you hate America if you’re not sporting at least 1 flag on your current clothing, a flag on your front porch and some form ideological decal on your vehicle.
Exactly. In most cultures, keeping who you’re voting for secret, unless specifically advocating for issues or having a discussion about the candidates themselves, is the social norm.
want to let other countries know this image does not represent all of the US lol
I both love and hate that image
“2020 The Sequel”
Lmao, I don’t think that phrase conveys what they think it conveys
It should count as premeditation though
Self expression is pasting someone else’s name all over everything you own?
part of the GOP indoctrination is the mindset “you’re not a true american if you’re not shoving the party’s ideology down everyone’s throat”
How Christian of them.
I hate these groups where they have been conditioned to believe you hate America if you’re not sporting at least 1 flag on your current clothing, a flag on your front porch and some form ideological decal on your vehicle.
welcome to USDPRK
Exactly. In most cultures, keeping who you’re voting for secret, unless specifically advocating for issues or having a discussion about the candidates themselves, is the social norm.
i can’t imagine how not-exhausting that must make everything in life
Honestly if I could get away with it I’d pop that guys tires. His poster is misogynistic as fuck.