First thing to shut down should be whatever entities are involved in certifying elections and organizing inaugurations.
Well, Congress certifies the presidential election, and inaugurations are organized by a non-governmental committee appointed by the president-elect.
If the government shuts down, you can be damn sure they’ll still certify Trump’s victory, and the inauguration will go forward regardless, though it may be a bit rougher and less safe than usual. A shutdown wont help us the way you’re hoping.
Edit: here’s some info on how inaugurations are funded and organized.
Is the land it nornally happens on government land and a permit wouldn’t be issuable if the government was shut down?
Yeah the Capitol and the Mall are on Federal land, but there are always exceptions to shutdowns, so they’d find a way to get the permits in time. Republicans will be in power regardless, so there’s no way they’ll let a shutdown impact Trump’s inauguration.
Oh I didn’t think it could be stopped, but I thought maybe they’d be forced to do it elsewhere.
Let them shut it down. Don’t bail them out. Let them own this. We’ve gotten to this moment because Dems keep bailing out Republicans, people who are completely incapable of governing. And voters never have to face the consequences for their decisions. Stop bailing them out. Vote no on every single bill. No exceptions.
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
Wow 4 more years of grandstanding bullshit sure am ready…
Republicans should keep their word.
Hahahahaha, have we learned nothing over the years.