Mine. Love this artist.
Pixel AI background generator. Fun to mess around with.
Whoever the default is on my device.
I dunno it came with the house.
Dope af
I can’t be arsed to send a screenshot of my pc over, so…
I love birds, especially ducks!
Well then I got one for you :)
Actually there is another one
IFTTT that sets android to NASA’s image of the day
Picture of my friend’s cat
The image is a particle system-based fractal made by acerola, shown on this video at 31:56
Why choose just one? i have a list in wallpaper engine that’s like 150 images long that cycles through.
Can I get a link to a full res version of this ?
It’s the current header image from ionomycin on Tumblr. I’m afraid there’s no higher res version :(
I guess we could ask him to release one… :)
Ty !
I believe the 7MP image you linked will be enough xD