• pyre@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    no, fuck the fr*nch, they’re the worst. they’re all like “oh you vizeet a cunt-khe yueh shued mek zee effokht tueh speek zee longuage” meanwhile they can’t speak any other language in a comprehensible manner and when you make an effort they hate that their precious disgusting sounding language is slightly altered by someone who normally speaks an objectively better language that makes more sense.

    meanwhile nearly everywhere else if you try to string up a sentence in their language or even use like short phrases for hello thanks and goodbye they’ll smile and look pleased you’re at least trying. in a lot of places people help you without question if you speak English and respond in English or try signing if they’re not fluent. being a decent human is not that hard.

    and their food is overrated. not bad for europe i guess.

    their only good contribution to the world was guillotines for the ruling class, and now they’re even fucking that up.