If there is such a thing as a “male role” in our species, it is that of a protector and provider. That means you don’t use your position of power to harm others unless it is to defend those who can’t defend themselves and you don’t use it to hoard more resources for yourself.
I think the idea of the male role is toxic bullshit. I was raised by a single mother and she did everything including protecting, providing and teaching good values. Women can do that shit just as well as men, gender doesn’t prohibit any of it.
I think he is having homoerotic fantasies and wants more buff men around. He just doesn’t want to come out the closet for it.
He also trained in Jiu Jitsu and is a fan of MMA.
I guess he loves being grappled by muscular men.
I sincerely hope this is true tbh. It has many benefits if it is…
- It would be a good shift in the power dynamic of LGBT.
- If he’s a bottom then we could find him a loving and caring top to make sure he doesn’t do anything else stupid.
- If he’s truly happy then maybe he’ll stop acting so childish.
But alas I fear my dreams of our happy, billionaire twink will not come true.
Disclaimer: I’m mostly joking… Kinda… And I know he’s not technically a twink, but I think he’s mentally in his late teens so I think we should count it.
But he bought all seats of BigMac Dern event, to have her all to himself 🤔
Cool homophobia dude
Bit like how long Frederic Wilhelm I of Prussia had a thing for big men, so he created an army regiment of only gigantic sized soldiers. It had no use, but was his own personal fetish. He even had men kidnapped and forcibly signed up. The pay was solely based on length.
They didn’t see any action, like most personal collections the king was way too careful with them. Even though he was called the warrior king he didn’t wage war at all.
His son Frederik II, who was very reluctant even to become king as he was more into science, music and, well, men, turned out to be the true warmonger, and the one that made Prussia great (and himself, nominally).
Being insecure about how “masculine” you are (or by extension the company you run is), is one of the least masculine and secure things one could be.
Just try to be the best of yourself, and in the case of Zuckerberg and Meta: this ain’t it!
Yeah, I don’t feel the need to prove how manly I am. Who gives a flying poop. I just want to hang out with my family, play video games, watch movies, read books, build LEGO, and travel. Why do those things need to be masculine or feminine?
Thank you I’ve been saying that for years and feels like shouting into the void!
Also hang on, now that there officially are no more men in the United states does this mean Zuckerberg wants more immigrants in his company? Or would they also count as female once they entered the american workforce‽ So in effect does he want to outsource even more of the company or does he secretly want more immigrants and is just not allowed to say it like that?
“I think a lot of the corporate world is pretty culturally neutered. Masculine energy is good, and obviously, society has plenty of that, but I think corporate culture was really trying to get away from it. I think having a culture that celebrates the aggression a bit more has its own merits that are really positive.”
This is the full quote. It’s very hard to disagree with what he’s saying, imo. If half your employees aren’t acting the way they do in private, they’re putting on a mask and not being their true selves
He’s saying we need toxic masculinity in the work place because misogynists being punished have had their feelings hurt. He just wants a “boys will be boys” toxic work culture to fuel his lack of self worth and insecurity.
It’s normal and very useful to reserve some types of behavior for the right occasions. You can let out your natural aggression while doing sports, just like you let out your sexual energy at home with your partner (or by yourself). No need to do everything at work, that would turn your work behavior toxic to your coworkers.
Tech bros behaving on the work floor like they do in private is why we have turned to a culturally neutered workplace. These men don’t know how to behave professionally around women.
You think celebrating aggressiveness in the
workplaceanywhere is good? IMO anyone who beats their partner or gets drunk and starts bar fights should be punished, not celebrated.You think masculinity means beating your partner?
No but I do think aggression is aggression, and the original quote mentions aggression.
Let’s not kid ourselves, when these people talk about masculinity, they bemoan that they can’t beat their partners.
If half your employees aren’t acting the way they do in private, they’re putting on a mask and not being their true selves
But you’re making this point in defense of someone aligning themselves with a group who targets trans, women, and whoever else they can bully not like them for being their true selves… Do you not see the hypocrisy of such a point given the context of the quote?
It’s very hard to disagree with what he’s saying, imo
No. Zuck is just a bully bemoaning that some people still stand up to him.
If half your employees aren’t acting the way they do in private, they’re putting on a mask and not being their true selves
Making people behave like normal human beings for 8 hours a day is a net benefit for society overall.