Water balloons filled with bleach maybe if you are feeling hardcore. Bleach will stain stainless steel
Water balloons filled with bleach maybe if you are feeling hardcore. Bleach will stain stainless steel
Wrong: Technically yes, Morally no
If this will happen expect Americans to die in terrorist attacks.
I bet Trump will invite Putin for a state visit before the peace has been brokered. Trump will spend hundreds of millions of tax dollars to impress Putin with a ridiculous ceremony. And Trump will gift hundred nuclear warheads to Putin.
The bullies are modern day Hitlerjugend
As if the average schoolteacher knows how to properly teach how to use a full OS to kids. Many millennials lack basic IT skills as well.
Gen Z: Where is my file and what is a directory?
Pumping it back into wells as oil is maybe a good idea. If civilization completely collapses back to the Stone Age humanity might never rebuild and advance into an industrial era if there are no more easily accessible fossil fuels. The rapid advancements of humanity of the last two centuries is because of fossil fuels. Of course there is a chance future humans after the apocalypse can advance without fossil fuels. But we don’t know for sure. To give them a fighting chance we have to replenish whatever we took out of the ground. Otherwise they might never advance past a medieval era.
Another idea is to bury tree logs into old mines where it can’t rot so it will fossilize into coal over centuries.
Good, they seem happy
Now imagine Sky’s reporting if the genders were switched.
Synthetic fuels for air planes and rockets
Yep Trump is going to deport citizens
This is probably in Belgium.
Then vacuum the floor full of smaller tasks. No more tasks and the floor is vacuumed.
Ah Donglegate, good times. Even funnier that the guy who got fired because of this lady’s tweet sided with her like a meek little bitch.
Why hasn’t the board already fired the CEO? Or is the board just full of family members?
Remember when everyone was on the Guillemots side when they fought to prevent a hostile takeover from Vivendi. The Guillemots became what they feared what Vivendi would have done to the company.
People need to leave wild animals alone. Especially if they have zero knowledge of what kind of animal they are engaging with. Reminds me of that video where this dude picks up a blue ringed octopus. The animal looks cute but is very very dangerous. He was very lucky that he didn’t get stung. The venom would have paralyzed him and stop his ability to breathe. Wouldn’t even be able to close his eyes.
i’m Ben Stiller on a golden toilet
of course it’s the underlying factors that actually cause crime. But many people don’t look beyond the surface level statistics therefore right wing groups like AfD use these stats to tell half truths and manipulate people. And many people fall for it. Combine that with these recent traumatic events caused by migrants and people will vote with their emotions for AfD.
However what people outside of Western Europe don’t know is that the root cause of these issues is capitalism. After the war the Western European nations invited hundreds of thousands of labor migrants from Turkey and North Africa to rebuild the cities. Capitalists being capitalists they only wanted the cheapest of cheapest laborers. Therefore the vast majority of people that came over were rural subsistence farmers. Low educated or even uneducated and illiterate. On top of that they were religiously conservative. The capitalists and politicians didn’t care since they all thought that these migrants would go back home after the job was done. So no efforts were made to integrate these people, however the vast majority stayed in Europe. But since they weren’t very smart people and were left to their own devices they didn’t learn the local language and culture very well. This wasn’t a problem with the first gen, since they just did their jobs everyday and didn’t cause trouble. But it caused major issues with the subsequent generations. Their children, lacking language skills and cultural assimilation, struggled in school and felt alienated. This cycle continued, leading to high poverty, unemployment, and thus crime among later generations, many of whom reject Western liberal society while embracing Islamic conservatism.
I am pretty sure these problems with these migrants wouldn’t have been this bad if they only hired educated urbanites as labor migrants and paid them better. Muslim or not wouldn’t have mattered. If these European countries invited hundreds of thousands of uneducated illiterate conservative Christians over from for example the USA it would have caused the same problems.
There is one group of men that dress up in flamboyant clothing where of that group a large percentage assaults children. They don’t wear women’s clothing but they wear vestments and a miter.