Like autistic people get to be autistic. That’s a word, and it has meaning. Someone can be autistic because it’s a type of person (spectrumy type). In my opinion, ADHD sucks as an identifying term. It’s 3 letters, one repeated. It means nothing as it is spelled and can’t be owned as an identity because they’re letters, not a word. “I’m adhudd.” The initials include “disorder” in it. That sucks. Autistic people don’t go around saying, “Hi, I’m austically disordered,” cause that’s not accepting. Is there a term that is smooth and not judgmental for ADHD? Maybe we can take Aspergers since it got dropped, but add the ‘d’ to get “Adspergers”. Nah, that’s stupid af. What about multibrained? I feel multibrained because I act like I’ve got multiple brains running in my head doing their own thing all at the same time, and I bounce around them based on who knows what.

What? Oh, yes…I’ll have the spaghetti bolog-knees. Do you guys have red pepper…crushed red pepper? Yeah, thanks. Cool. I like your name tag. Is that really your name? Samsquatch?..oh! It’s Samuel, but you changed it to Samsquatch! I love Trailer Park Boys. Fuck off, Leahy! Yeah. Sorry. I got excited.

Okay. So…um, is there a descriptive word for ADHD that isn’t ADHD?

      1 month ago

      I disagree with providing clues about certain conditions. Doing so can lead to misinterpretation, as people’s perceptions vary widely. While it’s inevitable, it’s possible to live in a way that minimizes the impact of these perceptions, and I would advise everyone to do so.

      ADHD, although it shares similarities among individuals with this neurodivergence, manifests uniquely in each person.

      ADHD is distinct from autism, particularly in how individuals with ADHD manage conversations.

      ADHD is also different from intellectual disabilities.

      Despite these differences, all these conditions fall under the umbrella term “neurodivergent.” However, I prefer not to use this term, as it can lead to overthinking and reliance on preconceived notions. I just tell people I have ADD on paper and if they want to understand it/me better, they will ask. Or I will provide them the info I seen they are missing. Lol!