• frog_brawler@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        I mean, there’s zero evidence that he was even real.

        I’m saying if you read the Bible, Jesus’s teachings align with socialism.

        • MothmanDelorian@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          The consensus of scholars that focus on academic history of that time agree that it is extremely likely that some guy named Yeshua lived around that time and place and tried to reform Judaism as others were doing at the time (the Pharisees were the reformers that ended up being successful).

          There’s a whole FAQ about this on reddit’s askhistorians that goes into detail but essentially if you argue Yeshua of Galilee never existed you cannot then accept that most historical figures were real as we have similar evidence for the existence of many people.

          And Im saying they might be more anarchistic beliefs than socialist beliefs as the NT isn’t pushing a pro-governance view.

          edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/259vcd/comment/chf3t4j/?context=3

          • Phoenixz@lemmy.ca
            2 months ago

            I’m sure a guy named yesua may have existed

            I’m also sure he was just another guy spouting religious beliefs, he was not magical or supernatural, because none of that exists

            • MothmanDelorian@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              All Im claiming is Yeshua existed and he was a rabbi around Galilee. The religion is likely very loosely based upon things he said as well as stuff people added (eg “render unto Caesar” is just saying pay your taxes).

              Im not claiming historical evidence exists for the miracles.

              • ubergeek@lemmy.today
                2 months ago

                All Im claiming is Yeshua existed and he was a rabbi around Galilee.

                And yet, you have zero evidence to support that claim. In reality, there were about 100 Yeshua’s (It was a common name), who were rabbis, in that region.

                And some of the more fantastic stories were cribbed from already extant mythology.

                Its a lot like the “evidence” of “divine inspiration” for the NT is “Well, it matches the OT!!” No shit, the people writing the NT were familiar with the OT, and made attempts to do so.

                So, when we get down to brass tacks, this “Yeshua” character was likely an amalgamation of several people. Like John Mastodon.

                Loads of people talk about John Mastodon right now. Does that mean John Mastodon existed or exists?

                Spoiler: yes, John Mastodon exists, and peace be upon him, and may he grace us with neverending blessings delivered by his Arch Angel - ActivltyPub.

                • MothmanDelorian@lemmy.world
                  2 months ago

                  I have offered a source with multiple linked sources that explains why this consensus exists. If you choose to ignore that consensus of experts you are choosing to not accept what people who have spent decades working on this question which is your right but IMO is rarely the wise choice when you are uneducated on the subject.

                  What’s the proof fir this amalgamation idea you are claiming and how of you explain thousands of people all across that part of the world having the same beliefs and names for Jesus within 3-4 decades of his death and please remember this is 2000 years ago so news travelled slowly.

                  • ubergeek@lemmy.today
                    2 months ago

                    I have offered a source with multiple linked sources that explains why this consensus exists.

                    It doesn’t exist, though. And, if it did, it’s consensus without basis.

                    In reality, any consensus that may exists, does so purely due to environment. Why are we trying to even prove the existence of such a person? Because it’s the dominant religious belief in this country. I’m sure just as much consensus around the existence of Mythras the man exists, too.

                    What’s the proof fir this amalgamation idea you are claiming and how of you explain thousands of people all across that part of the world having the same beliefs and names for Jesus within 3-4 decades of his death and please remember this is 2000 years ago so news travelled slowly.

                    Because that’s how cults start? Shit, have you seen how quickly Scientology has grown? Does Xenu actually exist?

                    News in the Roman empire took… well, as long as it took to walk from city to city. And the cultists were adamant about spreading the word. 100 years after the guy lived, of course.

          • ubergeek@lemmy.today
            2 months ago

            if you argue Yeshua of Galilee never existed you cannot then accept that most historical figures were real as we have similar evidence for the existence of many people.

            What evidence exists? I mean, we have literally multiple accounts and writings by Aristotle… Or Eratosthenes… Who would be, by and large, contemporaries, at this scale…

            Yet for Yeshua? We don’t even have birth records, which would have been meticulous, especially since a census happened at the same time. We can’t even confirm most of the documented events that were claimed.

            In fact, all writings that state he existed weren’t even written until about 70 years after he purportedly died (Which we have no Roman records of the time, indicating even a scenario as described, which is kinda shocking).

            In all likelihood, he is an amalgamation of several radical figures, as most of his story was cribbed from earlier, already extant, savior mythology.

            • MothmanDelorian@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              Bo we have writings we believe were written by Aristotle because other people from around that time say he did. We have similar things for jesus such as the writings of people who recorded the existence of people who followed a guy named Jesus a few decades after his death. It would ge really odd for people around the Mediterranean to all follow the teachings of a guy who they call by the same name who never existed.


              • ubergeek@lemmy.today
                2 months ago

                We have similar things for jesus such as the writings of people who recorded the existence of people who followed a guy named Jesus a few decades after his death.

                Yes, we have contempory, verified sources of Aristotle’s lectures, and writings.

                We have no such thing for Yeshua. The earliest is, as you say, “a few decades”, aka 70 years. That’s two entire generations. Nothing contemporary, and in fact, contemporary documents actually contradict much of what was written.

                It would ge really odd for people around the Mediterranean to all follow the teachings of a guy who they call by the same name who never existed.

                And yet, here were are, writing about a mystical man in the sky… Who never existed, as far as any evidence tells us. And, in fact, whatever evidence we DO find, contradicts the claims made by adherents to that mythology.

                Hell, how many Romans wrote about how awesome on the field of battle Hercules was… Pretty certain a demigod never existed by the name of Hercules.

                BTW, from your link:

                “There is no physical or archaeological evidence tied to Jesus, nor do we have any written evidence directly linked to him”

                • MothmanDelorian@lemmy.world
                  2 months ago

                  We have things that other people who may or may not have known Aristotle claim Aristotle wrote. If you believe Aristotle and Plato were real people then you should accept that Jesus was based on somebody even if the message he was spreading isn’t the same as the faith maintains now.

                  Why not try reading the link rather than expounding upon a false understanding? For example the earliest writings are from around 70CE which is 37-40 years later. You shoildn’t be making any claims when you are making mistakes this simple because you clearly aren’t coming from an educated perspective.

                  I’m not saying Jesus Christ in the Bible is a historical figure. I am saying there was a real human being that was a basis for the faith.

                  And again all of this is based on what actual academic historians maintain not religious figures. What is your take based upon other than conjecture?

                  • ubergeek@lemmy.today
                    2 months ago

                    We have things that other people who may or may not have known Aristotle claim Aristotle wrote.

                    We have many things, written right about the same time, all making the same claims, about what Artistotle wrote.

                    We do not have congruent, contemporary writings about Jesus/Yeshua.

                    Why not try reading the link rather than expounding upon a false understanding?

                    I did. And there is not evidence of his existence, as your link stated. Does that mean Yeshua, the individual, did not exist? No. But, it’s also not on us to prove he did not exist! That’s impossible (Proving a negative).

                    What we can say: There is no evidence he existed, even in places it should exist. And, exceptional claims (Such as a virgin birth, son of god, major political decisions) require exceptional evidence.

                    You cannot prove there isn’t a teapot orbiting the sun, either. However, we can safely assume there is not, until such evidence has been found to support said claim.

                    For example the earliest writings are from around 70CE which is 37-40 years later.

                    Fine. The closest writings are from 40 years late. One full generation. Did the prior generation not think to write ANYTHING about this guy? Not even a Roman notice somewhere? A proclamation of all male children being executed? NOTHING. Until 40 years after the claimed event.

            • MothmanDelorian@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              So you look at biased non-academic resources and then conclude that the belief is not academic? Do you not get the problem is the resources you are using?

              I mentioned a very specific source to start with which is Reddit’s askhistorians FAQ. Try looking at that because it is entirely constructed off of academic history.

              You can choose to believe whatever you want but the consensus of historians focused on this is that he had to exist in some fashion albeit not as a messiah.

              • You got a specific link for this source of info? Because I’m looking at their FAQ right now and the only thing even mentioning Jesus is specifically about what Askhistorians users think of Reza Asland and his work.

              • ubergeek@lemmy.today
                2 months ago

                So you look at biased non-academic resources and then conclude that the belief is not academic?

                “There is no physical or archaeological evidence tied to Jesus, nor do we have any written evidence directly linked to him.”

                And, not even where it should be at.

                But, I suppose we should all accept Hercules lived, was a demigod, and was a great warrior, because a lot of people wrote about him.

                And, while we’re at it, we all know, and should accept as fact, that Mythras lived, because a lot of people wrote about him, and how he died, and rose again to save his people.

                • MothmanDelorian@lemmy.world
                  2 months ago

                  And you’re ignoring all the nuance explained there about why historians accept the existence of someone for what reason? It isn’t because you are educated in this field.

                  You keep trying build strawmen as Im not claiming Jesus was divine. Why?

                  • ubergeek@lemmy.today
                    2 months ago

                    And you’re ignoring all the nuance explained there about why historians accept the existence of someone for what reason?

                    There’s little to no nuance needed here: Is there evidence? No. Should there be? Yes.

                    You keep trying build strawmen as Im not claiming Jesus was divine. Why?

                    Because that’s how credibility works. If you start your research at bad sources, you get to bad conclusions.

                    Does Xenu exist? I mean, Scientology at one point pre-internet, was one of the fastest growing religions, and they all talk about Xenu. Obviously, Xenu MUST exist, right?

        • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          there’s zero evidence that he was even real.

          There is abundant testimonial of his existence, enormous bodies of archeological evidence dating the nascent Christian church to the period immediately following his life, and plenty of contemporary evidence describing the more prominent figures central to the gospels and the various letters that follow.

          We have at least as much evidence of Jesus as we do Socrates or Confucius or Boudica or Pakal the Elder.

          I’m saying if you read the Bible, Jesus’s teachings align with socialism.

          Not exactly. Socialists are not a Millenarian Cult eagerly awaiting the end of the world. The early disciples believed the apocalypse was nigh and material wealth would be of no consequence in the Next Life. Their socialist policies were heavily informed by their dogmatic belief in a Final Judgement coming within their lifetime.

          Modern socialists don’t hold this view at all. On the contrary, they tend to be deeply concerned with the long term health and well-being of their communities, their economies, and the global ecology. One of the major distinctions between modern Friedmanian free market thinking and MLM economic central planning is the focus on fluctuations in market price relative to the long term socio-economic consequences of current economic policy.

          If anything, it is the capitalists (particularly the more Millenarian-minded Protestant cults) who behave like there’s no tomorrow. The socialists are the ones talking about the next century of climate change and the next millennium of biodiversity / sustainability.

          • TrueStoryBob@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            We don’t really have evidence of Jesus’ historicity. I mean absence of evidence isn’t evidence of absence but, all in all, there’s pretty much zero direct evidence of his existence. Almost nothing that would point to historicity in the gospels is corroborated by archeology… like was Pilot a person who existed? Yes, very likely he was. Is there biographies of him? Yes, there are contemporaneous sources showing him to be real. Is there anything, outside of the gospels, recount him meeting Jesus in any capacity let alone a whole trial and execution? No, there’s nothing like that. The whole scenario of Jesus’ life as chronicled by the gospels doesn’t hold up to scrutiny… sure, some of the people and many of the places do exist, but just because New York exists it doesn’t mean Spiderman is real.

            As for the early church, even Paul doesn’t claim to have known a historic Jesus but rather only recounts experiences of visions of Jesus and angels.

            • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              We don’t really have evidence of Jesus’ historicity.

              We have multiple written testimonials, period artwork, and documentation of the resulting mass movement.

              Almost nothing that would point to historicity in the gospels is corroborated by archeology… like was Pilot a person who existed? Yes, very likely he was. Is there biographies of him? Yes, there are contemporaneous sources showing him to be real. Is there anything, outside of the gospels, recount him meeting Jesus in any capacity let alone a whole trial and execution? No, there’s nothing like that.

              You could play the same game with Socrates. Dismiss the fragmented reproductions of - periodically contradictory and occasionally fantastical - accounts of the pupils of his pupils and he doesn’t exist either. Indeed, there Socratic problem tackles the root challenge of reconstructing the veracity of a 2000 year old figure’s existence. To complicate things, some of the earliest writings on Socrates known to exist are Gnostic Gospels (which contains fragments of a transcribed copy of Plato’s Republic).

              You disabuse yourself of historical Christian accounts at the peril of ignoring the accumulated history of the ancient world.

              just because New York exists it doesn’t mean Spiderman is real.

              We have real life video accounts of people in costumes identical to that of the cartoon character climbing buildings. What’s the line here? Are we saying nobody’s ever gained superpowers from a radioactive spider? Or that nobody’s ever dressed up in a costume like that to chase after petty criminals? Or that nobody’s ever climbed a building in that iconic outfit?

              If, two-thousand years from now, we discovered a written account of one of these performers along with a handful of comic book fragments discovered in a book case buried in a cave in the deserted island of Manhattan… what kind of conversation would you have?

              If we then somehow managed to resurrect a snippet of footage what would be concluding, then?

              You can dispute Magical Jesus with the same cavalier attitude as Spiderman. But this is more akin to disputing the existence of Eliot Ness by pointing to a stack of Dick Tracey cartoons and saying “Unbelievable!”

      • Notyou@sopuli.xyz
        2 months ago

        He kinda was, if you look at the satanic principles and how Jesus treated people. And beat the conmen out of the church because he knew violence was needed sometimes.