Only on a very surface level, as in “the far-right reached second place in an election again”. But other than that, no, the situation in Germany is not very comparable to the late Weimar republic at all. Party militias aren’t terrorizing the streets, there is no hyperinflation, we’re not geopolitically isolated and our constitution is not as flawed and weak. Not to say the situation is rosy, but pretending we’re literally at the inception of the fourth reich is not realistic or useful.
Another analog is that eastern Germany voted very differently than western and southern Germany.
One major difference, in 1930 the far right was anti-Russia, and today they are pro-Russia.
Geographical aspects are incomparable between 1930 and 2025. Germany is a lot smaller in 2025 than in 1930 and German division hadn’t happened yet in 1930.
That’s on Russia, not Germany
Russia was leftist then, but now they’re not, so the German far right didn’t support them then but does now.
Eastern Germany has been voting differently pretty much all the time, or didn’t it? Like definitely more counties voted right wing for like a decade or two.
The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters.
-Antonio Gramsci
Until Socialism usurps Capitalism globally, we will exist in a time of great friction.
If you think of history as often involving opposing material and social forces, then patterns will emerge. We are constrained by the material in what actions we can take to resolve a major conflict in interests, often escalating to, for example, war. So war has happened repeatedly. That’s not quite history repeating itself so much as a consequence of historically common conditions.
Under this way of thinking, you could expect conditions that are even more similar to one another to lead to similar outcomes - though not necessarily identical. For example, the revolution in Russia that led to the first sustained socialist revolution had precedent in similar conditions jn the few decades prior, and for the same basic reasons (driving material forces): a rising but weak bourgeoisie, unpopular war foisted on the population, frustrations at capitalist oppression at home, and various unpopular domestic policies that were a holdover from monarchist ways of thinkinh that liberalism had made unpopular. During the prior revolution, the masses (and representative organizations) were too idealistic and believed establishing a Duma and some reforms would address these problems. They were wrong: the Tsar simply reversed most of the policy concessions once the people went home and were no longer organized, dragged his feet on the Duma, and eventually established one that was purely representative of ruling class interests. At the same time, the Tsar went after the organizations that had participated in the failed revolution, banning them and jailing their members.
And when similar conditions occurred and people became again colocated and agitated by these conditions, those organizations were back in force, grew rapidly, and learned their lessons. The group that won, the communists, correctly identified that even the current offered concessions were similarly false and that the defeat of the Tsarist-bourgeois ruling class required them to be fully deposed and that the time to do so was ripe.
So, the similar conditions led to a similar culmination (mass action, strikes, etc) but had a different outcome due to their differences (learning the lessons of the previous failure).
Russia and the US have bigger nazi problems.
Yes. First as tragedy, then as farce. We’re in the farce stage, for those not already aware.
Hopefully not. Although I wouldn’t put it past Merz to still form a coalition with the AfD. But the SPD is usually pretty weak willed. He’ll probably like that in a coalition partner.
I think the next four years will really show what German democracy is worth. I suspect that the last government was the last chance we had at starting a ban initiative.
It is a shame that SPD and Union did not work together in the last government to try to resolve some of the problems that cause the voters to move to the right.
If the communists start getting a lot more votes, then maybe you could make a parallel. Otherwise it’s a very different situation.
1933 2: Electric Boogaloo
Who would win a fist fight Hitler or Musk?
Hitler was a WW1 who served and was gassed in the trenches. He had some combat training and was a pretty intense dude.
Elon is a rich kid who got booted out of most of his startups for cause, but made enough of a golden parachute to go around buying up other people’s successful businesses, e.g. Tesla. He’s never been in a real fistfight in his life.
Elon was in a fistfight, actually. He got thrown down a staircase as a kid and was bullied so hard he was hospitalized in SA. Which explains a decent amount of why he turned evil.
He’s essentially Syndrome from the Incredibles. Fingers crossed he starts wearing a cape to his rocket launches.
Oh no! he has the pscyco brain damage
If they don’t fuck up as badly, and it would be really hard to reach Wiemar levels of failure, it’s probably not a great analogy.
Thalmann and the communists were going with accelerationism and straight up wanted Hitler to win, so they blocked every coalition they could. The SPD reacted by ruling by decree (something they could do in that system) and didn’t even bother to pick popular decrees, so when a new president was chosen he basically just blocked that as well, and a crisis ensued.
July 1932 was a snap election in that moment. More dysfunction happened between that election and November 1932’s snap election (where Hitler actually lost ground), and then the famous Reichstag fire and Hindenburg pact stuff happened.
If the AfD succeeds further it will be for different reasons, basically.
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East Germany never fully recovered after Soviet occupation and the desolation the Soviets created. Germany has invested heavily rebuilding the east, but there is a constant brain drain, causing western migration of every German capable enough. This has left the east in a poor state they still have yet to recover from. The people in that region know this, but it doesn’t change the fact they don’t feel good about the lingering differences, which influences their voting behaviors heavily.
The East is in a poor state because The West illegally annexed it, threw away their welfare state, outlawed the communist party, and gave all of its industry to exploitative West German companies. Indicators of quality of life plummeted after the fall of the USSR and the Berlin Wall. The West also trashed East Germany’s liberating policies towards women and LGBTQ+ people. East Germans that were older have nostalgia for the better times. Patronizing and ignorant liberals, rather than understand the truth in their experiences, have invented a fantasy called Ostolgie to explain this away, doing their best to pretend that this is just old people being silly rather than remembering tangibly better experiences.
This fictionalization is a necessary part of anticommunist thinking: no aspects of “the enemy” can ever be good or beneficial for anyone. All seemingly good things done by that enemy must either be attributed to a “brainwashed” population or a devious plot to appear better than they really are for propaganda purposes. It is important to recognize that these patterns of thought are not usually effectively exported and are instead intended for a domestic audience to make sure they don’t actually understand and sympathize with the designated enemy.
Fuck off troll.
Literally every single German old enough to remember life in the DDR that I know (which aren’t exactly few - I am German) recounts that time with terror.
In my entire life, I have not met a single person alive back then who wants to go back to the DDR. There’s no notalgia, only painful memories.
Literally every single German old enough to remember life in the DDR that I know (which aren’t exactly few - I am German) recounts that time with terror.
Define “that time”. The DDR suffered a state and economic collapse shortly before it was annexed, due to general instability of the Eastern Bloc, particularly the liberalization of the USSR (which also caused its collapse). Anyone who was a teenager would have lived through something scary.
If you don’t know any East Germans who preferred life back then then you have likely only spoken to people who weren’t adults for any appreciable amount of time in the DDR. Or live in a very strange bubble. I have met plenty and I’m not even German.
In my entire life, I have not met a single person alive back then who wants to go back to the DDR. There’s no notalgia, only painful memories.
The fact that you’re literally unaware of Ostalgie suggests you are generally unaware of anything about those who actually lived in the DDR. To have lived as an adult there for, say, 20 years, they would nedd to have been born before 1950. How many 70-90 year olds do you hang out with? How many who were kids and teenagers in 1985, i.e. now 50-60 years old? I had to make an effort to meet such people, who were younger when I did.
The East is in a poor state because The West illegally annexed it
Wut? Germany was a singular country until the Soviet Union occupied half of it. Re-uniting the occupied territories with the rest of the country is literally the opposite of an illegal annexation.
Wut? Germany was a singular country until the Soviet Union occupied half of it.
This is a non-sequitor, it does not change whether West Germany illegally annexed East Germany, which it did. Germany included parts of what are now Poland prior to the Nazis’ invasions. Would you also write off Germany illegally annexing them as a righteous revanchism?
Re-uniting the occupied territories with the rest of the country is literally the opposite of an illegal annexation.
You should learn your basic history before trying to lecture others. Germany was cut down and the remaining pieces split into regions governed by 4 countries (France, UK, USA, USSR). With the rise of the US the first 3 of course rapidly became de facto one region and the legal mumbo jumbo followed to create West Germany.
West Germany was created from this as an “independent” country, still under the thumb of the US, excluding East Germany. The USSR proposed full reintegration of Germany as a neutral country, but the US had already committed to a policy of isolation, preferring their NATO-pushing givernors of West Germany.
Regarding illegal annexation of East Germany, it was done against the consent of the people who lived there and against their own supposed legal framework.