In this video, we explore how Canada—long America’s top energy partner—is pivoting to European (and potentially Asian) markets amid fears of new, steep U.S. ...
The same reason IG Farben was renamed BASF after the war: there was nothing wrong with the name and it was the same company core (minus a few bits) but IG Farben was a bit too associated with Zyklon B.
NATO is intimately associated with the US for historical reasons. A new name would signal a willingness to put down the historical baggage and start afresh.
The same reason IG Farben was renamed BASF after the war: there was nothing wrong with the name and it was the same company core (minus a few bits) but IG Farben was a bit too associated with Zyklon B.
NATO is intimately associated with the US for historical reasons. A new name would signal a willingness to put down the historical baggage and start afresh.