for me it is the concept that building is necessary for survival.
in so many games all you need as a base is just plopping down storage and crafting stations.
in valheim, these crafting stations need to be in a building and the vuilding system with its structzral stability thing is just fantastic.
and bcs there are things u cant teleport (until you reach ashlands tier portals) it doesnt make sense to have one central base bcs you need to transport all unteleportable resources via ship, meaning you have to set up bases in most biomes individually.
and that causes you to build accordingly.
in the meadows and the forest, where all you have access to is wood, you only build small huts, in the mountain and plains where you have access to vast amounts of stone, it is mighty halls of stone, in the mistlands you have extremely difficult terrain requiring you to build an interconnected mess of small buildings and the ashlands are a super hostile place, so you have to design ur bases there with defense from enemies and elements.
this combination of requiring to build to thrive and hhaving completely different circumstances to build is just why i love spending hours building there
Ah thank you. Guess I never made it so far to notice that. My max was black forest 😁
But right, usually it’s enough to throw some chests on the floor and call it a base.
Guess I’ll give it another go.
I wasn’t actually beyond black forest 😊
But yeah, I will sure adapt the difficulty to my old-ass needs. Let’s see if this does it for me this or if valheim strangely isn’t just for me.
for me it is the concept that building is necessary for survival. in so many games all you need as a base is just plopping down storage and crafting stations. in valheim, these crafting stations need to be in a building and the vuilding system with its structzral stability thing is just fantastic.
and bcs there are things u cant teleport (until you reach ashlands tier portals) it doesnt make sense to have one central base bcs you need to transport all unteleportable resources via ship, meaning you have to set up bases in most biomes individually.
and that causes you to build accordingly. in the meadows and the forest, where all you have access to is wood, you only build small huts, in the mountain and plains where you have access to vast amounts of stone, it is mighty halls of stone, in the mistlands you have extremely difficult terrain requiring you to build an interconnected mess of small buildings and the ashlands are a super hostile place, so you have to design ur bases there with defense from enemies and elements.
this combination of requiring to build to thrive and hhaving completely different circumstances to build is just why i love spending hours building there
Ah thank you. Guess I never made it so far to notice that. My max was black forest 😁 But right, usually it’s enough to throw some chests on the floor and call it a base. Guess I’ll give it another go.
yeah tbh the difficulty spike going from black forest to the swamp gets many people to quit and understandably so.
it’s also when you start to spend a lot of time just sailing back and forth, so the grind is also a bit more tedious.
if u find that annoying, you can simply change world modifiers to e.g. allow metal teleports or have a 2x resource gain etc.
I wasn’t actually beyond black forest 😊 But yeah, I will sure adapt the difficulty to my old-ass needs. Let’s see if this does it for me this or if valheim strangely isn’t just for me.
Yep changing the difficulty was the only way I could beat those trolls, not losing everything when you die was the big one.