Hello everyone, I’m very new to lemmee and I noticed that the conservative community here is a bit more moderate than the subreddit so I figured I’ll ask ; Are you satisfied with what Trump has been doing since he took office ? If yes, are you okay with everything or are you critical of some of his decisions ? If no, why and what did he do that you have not voted for ? I must inform you that I am not american but like the rest of the world, I am confused by the direction your contry is taking. No judgement or anything, just curious. Thanks to anyone who answers.
Yep! Trump is doing what needs to be done. And it’s awesome to watch.
Taking our economy? Increasing the cost of living? Tax breaks for the wealthy? Destroying our allegiances? Bending the knee to Russia? Firing veterans?
This all needed to be done?
Are you Russian?
No. YOu sound Russian though. Are you? Come on, fess up.
And no word about the rest of what they said? Quite telling. lol
I’m American. But regardless of what nationality I am, I am clearly much more intelligent than you and I just consider myself normal. So what does that make you?
Man, imagine sucking trumps dick so hard that watching your country collapse is “awesome to watch.” Fucking traitorous filth, you deserve so much of what’s to come. can’t fucking wait.
But the country isn’t collapsing. You think it’s going to collapse? What’s your date for this “collapse”?
Stock marking tanking. All our allegiances being broken. Cost of living increasing. Trade partnerships being destroyed. Abandoning allies. Kowtowing to our greatest adversary’s desires. Disassembly of our federal government. Job losses.
If that isn’t collapse, I’d like to know what your clown concept of collapse looks like.
You honestly can’t be this dumb. You must be a Russian troll.
Ask yourself if it makes sense to ask for a date of collapse. I’ll pretend you’re trying to pull a Ken M because your questions sound very stupid otherwise.
Yeah? What’s coming. Why be so vague. Come on man, let us know…
Your quality of life is going to decline, you silly fuck.
He’s not and it’s not lol.
incorrect. he’s doing awesome. Glad he is our pres
Incorrect, he’s not, and I’m not surprised that you’re glad the fascist is the president
Trumps awesome. And most of the voting public agreed!
“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” -George Carlin
Which a lot in this thread are proving!
Glad you admit it lol
Yeah, I do admit you are proving that saying right lol
He’s not, most of the world agrees.
Then how come the major news orgs don’t say that?
How come major news organiz cowtow to world leaders everywhere?
I don’t know.
Another telling answer. Merely asking this speaks to not only the lack of knowledge but also to a lack of imagination. You’re not even connecting the dots between your millionaire president and the other millionaires who own networks & social medias, and who also gave him some fat cash. Like, bruh, the dots are right next to each other.
Most Germans were into Hitler.
You’re really bad at making good arguments.
That’s because you identify with felons and rapists.