Ahh, pero yo soy la cuenta propagandista, pinche peñabot. Ya te agarré la medida, con razón. Jaja
Keep it light, keep it moving.
I am doing no harm.
Ahh, pero yo soy la cuenta propagandista, pinche peñabot. Ya te agarré la medida, con razón. Jaja
Vato, si no quieres creer, me vale tres hectáreas, sí? Ábrete alv a mí qué me importa lo que pienses. xP
Mexico. We’re very happy here, honestly!
We got our first woman president who keeps wowing us with comprehensive initiatives and continuing the work of our last president who got us on the right track. Great reforms are happening after a long string of corrupt presidencies that were more interested in personal gain. We had actual government efficiency reviews that cut down on misappropriated funds that have now been reinvested. And we’re expanding our exports to things like chipset manufacturing and growing our infrastructure.
Our public spaces are prettier, cleaner, more accessible, and quite modern here in the large cities. I know that my city alone is not what it used to be 10 or even 5 years ago. I keep saying we’re not a third world country anymore. We’re on our up and up so long as the international powers that be allow it.
Spiderman has always been a versatile bisexual in my mind. Don’t tell me you can put your legs behind your head just for fun, Spidey boy. I know your secrets!
The alleged reason why Russia attacked was because they want a buffer zone of neutral countries around them. Apparently the US has been running its agenda pushing for Eastern European countries to join NATO knowing it’d stir some shit by ruffling Russia’s delicate feathers. So Russia panicked when Ukraine looked to join NATO at the US’s suggestion and basically used the gay panic defense but for the Western allegiance arriving in their backyard and invaded under a pretext.
Yes, the USA did ignore Russia’s concerns knowingly (and did some very questionable shit inside Ukraine, as usual) but Russia imagined the worst scenario for themselves and did the illegal shit.
Or, as it’s often the case, informed! Many people hate not just out of ignorance but also because everyone else is doing it but they don’t know why.
During the Lavender Scare, some homophobic government officials had to be explicitly informed what being gay meant because they were operating/ruining lives on a vague idea. :/
But unfortunately, we can’t change this one. 😭
Oh, good. I was thinking about buying one but I guess I won’t anymore.
Guess Who USA Conservative Politics edition, how fun!
Does your person wear a mustache? Has your person been convicted of voter fraud and campaign embezzlement at once? Does your person wear a hat? Has your person been caught sucking dick under a bathroom stall?
I’m confused because this article (and maybe the current state of US politics) seems to be conflating immunity with power. Aren’t they complimentary at best? Afaik, being immune doesn’t stop people from telling you no at every stop. But if you go around them and later claim immunity I guess that’s a long-necked form of power if you can manage it?
I’m not American and there’s a big disconnect in my mind. I’d appreciate it if someone could enlighten me.
Sorry to hear you’re being targeted like that. Not cool. On the bright side, the points are made up and don’t matter here.
I’ve have read through the essay and I think that the article lends itself to confusion but help me out. Kyiv does want a military resolution but only to rule its dissenting territories, which is arguably a sovereign right when you have your insecure neighbor fueling dissidents, right? This is what was giving me trouble before, because Zelenskyy has been actively calling for peace plans for a few years now. You’re almost suggesting that he wants to continue fighting Russia on behalf of the UN. That’s one hell of a noble sacrifice that’s not quite in their best interest. If anything, the author suggests Zelenskyy has been played like a fiddle. Or am I missing something?
E: Nevertheless, thanks for the link. It was very interesting and I took my time to go through it. I’m tempted to read the other essays when I have more time.
And which one would you say touches the heart of the matter of what you say? My time is limited. I think a direct quote would be a great place to start.
That can absolutely be me, but you were wrong, so by circumstance doesn’t apply this time. The intent was there nonetheless.
And I’m still waiting on yours.
I meant something more substantial like a link that expands on this instead of some name drop.
Uh, no. I literally just read your reply right now. But you can be confidently wrong about all that.
Ok but Robin was downright mad! And I loved that for him. RIP
I could believe that of any major country directly profiting from this. But what’s your reliable source for all that, especially Zelenskyy?
*aiming at your car* Oh, it’s gonna be fun alright!