• SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
    3 months ago

    Do you imagine anyone is triggered by comparing Israel to Nazis? Do you think anything you wrote is original. Nope. It’s boring. And wrong. Get some new propaganda, ok?

    The IDF exists to protect Israeli people. You don’t seem to be aware of this, but there are currently Israeli people being held against their will in Gaza. Therefore the IDF is in Gaza. It’s not that complicated.

    • Aceticon@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Lets make it extremelly simple to understand:

      • Even the most violent murderous sociopathic regime in the History of Mankind claimed their actions were for “defense” of their ethnicity.

      Hell, fucking Ku-Klux-Klan claims they’re defending “the white race”.

      Every single violent racist fascist sociopath out there claims their murderous ways are “defense” and it’s always for an ethnicity and it’s always against people of another specific ethnicity.

      Normal people who are not Fascists or Sociopaths do not claim they stand for an ethnicity, and they certainly do not murder tens of thousands of innocent civilians of a different ethnicity whilst claiming they’re doing it as “defense”.

      So when the Zionists and the murderous sociopathic dogs in IDF who kill children and laugh about it, claim their murder of tens of thousands of children and other innocent civilians from another ethnocity is “defense”, everybody who is not a Moron or a Sociopath gets reminded of all the other violent murderous sociopathic regimes who did the exact same thing and used the exact same excuse, and, yeah, that includes the bloody Nazis.

      Don’t want to be compared to the Nazis, don’t act like the fucking Nazis, don’t use the exact same fucking propaganda tricks as the Nazis.

      • SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
        3 months ago

        Interesting that you think Hamas has the right to fight for the rights of their ethnicity but Israel doesn’t have the right to defend their people from Hamas making ethnic attacks.

        I wish we lived in a world where a Jewish state wasn’t necessary because antisemitism didn’t exist anymore. But unfortunately that’s not the world we live in. Antisemitism is still alive and growing stronger. On October 7, Hamas succeeded in removing all doubt in my mind of the necessity of a Jewish state. The antisemitic acts of protesters in the West has only re-inforced that. The UN and many countries around the world showing sympathy for Hamas after they committed genocide, makes it certain there needs to be at least one country in the world where Jews can find sanctuary when the endless cycle of antisemitism turns people towards irrational hatred of Jews.

        You will likely deny the antisemitsm happening in the world right now because that fits with the narrative being pushed on you by authoritarians. Your denial means nothing, because there’s more people that know what’s happening then there are people like you that rationalize your hatred. And even if you can get people in positions of power to fall in line with your hateful thoughts about Jews, there is a place they can go to escape that oppression that you want to inflict on Jews.

        It’s not because of me that there needs to be a Jewish state. It’s because of people like you there needs to be a Jewish state.