I’ve been using Fedora for the past few months and Pop OS for some months before that.

Debian was my first choice after Pop because of ideological reasons - non corporate structure mainly. But I couldn’t get games to work properly (my PC is only 7-8 months old). So I’ve been trying Fedora, but the more I learn about Red Hat and it’s involvement, it’s harder to stick to the distro.

What would be a good way to setup Debian (and KDE, because apparently GNOME is also Red Hat’s, although I do like the environment) so that it works well for my use case? The two year old DE and app versions does bother me but I guess I can learn to live with it. Do I try testing? Do I use backports?

PC specs: Ryzen 5 5600 Processor, RX 7600 GPU

  • redlemace@lemmy.world
    5 days ago

    My suggestion, try variouse live distro’s from an USB. Alternatively install debian from it’s ISO and select ALL desktop environments. Then on login you can select which on to use for the current session. Once you made your choice you can do use tasksel to remove the others (although I’d do a re-install with just the one I want)