I get it if it’s at a place like Starbucks when you verbally say it. Everyone has a special way of spelling their name and you can’t know the spelling based on how it was said.
But when my name is literally written out in the previous email and you are replying to that email…bruh.
Makes me want to passive aggressively write theirs incorrectly too.
You should lol that’s annoying as hell. I hate it too. Or you could just put in bold the letters they are missing
I have some new things to fantasize about when I encounter this lol
Lol 🤣 🙌
My work email has my full name in it, which is also written in my email signature, and people still misspell it in replies all the time. Pouring one out for all of my homies out there who don’t have typical white people names.
That’s the thing that I do! My name is like Jason. Spelled very commonly and like how most people have it. But then people go and do Jasin.
I dunno if it’ll make you feel better, but I have a typical white person name that people misspell constantly.
My coworker had a collection of envelopes with variations of his last name in the address.
The fun thing about it was that my name is way more complicated than his, but my name was usually written correctly, because everybody asked me to spell my name 😃
When I worked in support, I’d always have folks convert my last name into a similar sounding first name… ignoring my very present actual first name.
I have a relatively rare name, that has a different spelling.
People misspell it all the time, even when its written right in front of them.
Its like, TropicalDongDong, and I’m like bruh. Its written right there. Just copy it.
Fr I straight up am not paying enough attention to words to tell if my name is being spelled correctly. So long as the first and last are correct and the rest looks plausible I won’t even notice anything.
Literally the easiest way to annoy a person. So it kinda depends on what you want to achieve, NothingButNet ;)
That’s really mean of you, ZeroGravity