Holy shit lmao
Lol UK wasn’t even “left”. They murdered Alan Turing for being gay.
Alan Turing committed suicide. While it was due to his depression because of the “treatment” he was forced to endure, nobody killed Alan Turing by himself.
Sadly, we spend more on our death machine than the next 6 highest nations combined.
No one is coming to check our bullshit. Literally the only thing the US actually excels at is the creation and export of mass human death, and we save the best doomsday tools for ourselves. What a legacy. Imagine being proud of such a thing, and many are. Well, that and self-promotion, aka as George Carlin pointed out, the art of bullshittery.
And by the way, between all the genocide, Jim Crow, socialist regime destabilization, and Klan rallies, some like to crow “we were heroes in WWII!” No, heroes save others to save others. Our pacific fleet was decimated. The war came to us and we fought back. That’s not nobility, that’s self-preservation, not good or bad, just self-preservation under attack. We were begged to help and said no prior, and the US was quite fond eugenics before the war and practiced it both before and a little after WWII, involuntarily sterilizing people in asylums. Our capitalists like Ford were helping the Nazis for a tidy profit. Go fish if you want to think well of this exploitation torture device called the United States.
It didn’t work in the Second Boer War either, Breaker Morant learn this the hard way.
If ever there was a case to be made that death sentences don’t work to deter crime, look no further than war criminals - they all use the same excuses and none of them learned from when history killed the last group of murderous, ignorant shitheads.
Be that as it may, the guy who perpetrated the My Lai Massacre got house arrest, and that was only after documents on the event were leaked to the press. Then, Colin Powell, the guy who got this person their slap on the wrist, was later a central figure in government and could have been president.
It is exceedingly unlikely that anyone will ever face justice for the atrocities that will come of this. Nuremberg was the exception, not the rule.
Once the people rise up, it won’t matter what your defense is anymore. You either stand aside, rise with us, or be judged by us.