“There was an incident on the New York subway and a bunch of people got on, protesters or whatever, and said, ‘All the Zionists, get off.’ When the head of the Brooklyn Museum, who was Jewish, but the Brooklyn Museum had nothing to do with Israel or taking positions on Israel — her house is smeared in red paint. That’s antisemitism. And a lot of the slogans that people use either are or slide into antisemitism.”

“The one that bothers me the most is genocide,” Schumer added. “Genocide is described as a country or some group tries to wipe out a whole race of people, a whole nationality of people. So if Israel was not provoked and just invaded Gaza and shot at random Palestinians, Gazans, that would be genocide. That’s not what happened. In fact, the opposite happened. And Hamas is much closer to genocidal than Israel.

Schumer also sharply criticized the UN for using the term “genocide” when describing the war in Gaza. “The U.N. has been anti-Israel, antisemitically against Israel. [Daniel Patrick] Moynihan was my idol. He became famous when in 1976 [it was 1975] they tried to pass a resolution, Zionism is racism.

    • Libra00@lemmy.world
      7 days ago

      If you’re interested in hearing the other side out, I’ve put together what I think is a fairly comprehensive argument that it is in fact genocide, based on the definition laid out in Article II of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, which is the official standard in international law as to what is and is not genocide. Unfortunately it’s in a reddit comment and the formatting did not translate over here, so the best I can do is link it.

    • Alteon@lemmy.world
      7 days ago

      It seems you don’t understand the definition of “genocide” then. Go Google that and then get back to me.