Portuguese are too broke to buy anything at all at this point
Portuguese are too broke to buy anything at all at this point
Why so cheap?
Just give a year or two and brains will be fleeing EU also
Portugal is in America 😂😂😂😂😂 and it’s gotten way worse since the pandemic
Well, can’t say trump isn’t keeping my the promises he made when on campaign
Stupid you are, rule should you not
I didn’t know redbull was European and I didn’t know servus tv belonged to redbull
Only for royals the commoners have a bit more braincells
The Alabama jokes write themselves
Men who brag how little time they spend with their kids shouldn’t be having kids.
But Tesla is electric and electric cars are communism
Give PR the independence
Loool it’s easy to say East Germany was poorer when they had to deal with all the sanctions. But be my guest, how many homeless people in USA and how many in Cuba?
When people ask me what communist country was successful I usually say all of them until cia decided to go there and spread freedom 🇺🇸🦅
People who see gender as a F or M binary in 2025 are willingly ignorant to the bone.
The five horseman of the apocalypse. All leaches, freeloaders, poor exploiters, nazis
Can someone absolve this guy from being alive?
Not having a brain should be a crime
Why isn’t he in jail yet?
Good luck doing that in Portugal the ips are all dynamic here