If mental health matters, then the mental healthcare system needs to practice what they preach instead of just say things to look good for their psas. There’s so many homeless people in my town and I easily see myself becoming one at this rate. Do what you can to take care of yourself. Try to avoid shitty drs and therapists. It’s not always easy.
Anon needs to hunt down their old psychiatrist and find a way to move closer to them.
You need to be drinking water. That’s the scariest part of this for me. I realise this probably plays into the delusions, so if it helps you can look at my comment history. I’ve made reference to it a few times already: I live in New Zealand, and I’ve never even been to the states. Please figure the water thing out. Being dehydrated will not be making anything easier, and it’s the simplest problem to solve. Would you feel better drinking filtered water?
If tap water freaks OP out, they could maybe try one of those basic water filter pitchers. Pour water in, it runs through charcoal which pulls out anything bad, clean water comes out.
I normally wouldn’t recommend fiddling about with your own water filtering solutions, because given clean water they’ll only be making it dirty. But if your worry is literal poison in the water supply, carbon filters will pull that shit out. It won’t fix the paranoid delusions though.
Group therapy has been shown to be as effective as one-on-one therapy for a lot of people. It’s worth it to try just a couple times.
Takes it easy man. Drinking and eating correctly can give you energies and make you feel better, exercises and outdoor activity also help
Theres a hole from here to hell.
Fall deep, and find no peace.
In the sea of tragic beasts.
The gates of hell are open night and day, smooth is the descent and easy is the way.
I’m saving it.
It’s from the Aeneid:
The gates of hell are open night and day;
Smooth the descent, and easy is the way:
But to return, and view the cheerful skies,
In this the task and mighty labor lies.
The only home sure to accept any and all as they come;
With open arms and barbed claws, inviting you in before becoming fearsome.
Everything has a double meaning now but can’t deny I love a good poem. Thank you.
Medical profession esp psychiatry sold out since at least 1970s.
Note how the problem is never the regime or social conditions… It is always that persons personal problem
Very much depends on the individual psychologist. When an individual comes to a psychologist with societal problems, the best they can offer is individual solutions, but they don’t have to place the blame on the individual. They very often don’t, in fact, and most of the psychologists I’ve had were of the opinion that most of their patients’ problems could be solved if society didn’t demand “normalcy” from everyone.
For autism specifically this is an easy argument to make too, and there’s organisations that advocate for autism acceptance. For paranoid delusions though… I think that has to be managed at the individual level. Not necessarily with meds, maybe therapy and a support structure would be enough. Unless you can find something in modern society that causes paranoid delusions? Then we might be able to fix that.
Yes. I read about that. It feels like we’ve been left to rot. Maybe we have.
They don’t let you quite die if you got any labour that can extracted but after that… Yeah die peasants, you are useless to the owner now
Yeah OP I dont think that peer support group helped
Sure it did. Kidding.
I guess you can’t go to your family for legit reasons, but what about family friends?
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