The tool, which is able to cut lines at depths of up to 4,000 metres (13,123 feet) – twice the maximum operational range of existing subsea communication infrastructure – has been designed specifically for integration with China’s advanced crewed and uncrewed submersibles like the Fendouzhe, or Striver, and the Haidou series.

    6 days ago

    yes, it is racist to hate an entire country of people because of who they are.

    that is racism. here look:

    “Some deserve to be condemned. And I hate Chinese culture.”

    idiotic, ignorant and absurd racism.

    “And Japanese for that matter.”


    “They are dystopian if you take a closer look.”

    you are obviously ignorant about either of those countries and especially anything about their culture.

    which utopian country are you from?

    “If a country keeps a horrible leader for that many years, it also tells a lot btw”

    oh look, you’re blinding ignorance.

    xi abolished term limits years ago. he is not kept in power, he seized it; Trump said he would like to do the same thing.

    “Normally you would re to get rid of said leaders.”

    wildly historically inaccurate and ignorant!

    "But apparently it’s fine. "

    nope, and embarrassingly ignorant.