The most embarrassing part of this, is how hard she tries to appeal to Trump but he just doesn’t care about her whatsoever.
Gotta suck some Putin chode first, then she might be seen
Not all Albertans are stupid… Just most of us unfortunately :(
I’m sorry for my shitty province
Susceptibility to propaganda is Universal. It crosses party lines, politics, religions and creeds and works as effectively, regardless of intellect. Older folks and sane-washing American politics is completely tied to the fact as of today 90% of all “Canadian Newspapers”. Broadsheets, Business Press, Tabloids, all of them. Are owned by Postmedia Network. An American-owned media conglomerate owned by Chatham Asset Management. They own everything from the Toronto Star to the Vancouver Sun and The Calgary Harold. This is why PP is so determined to bash CBC and call it wasteful. It is the only major, PUBLIC Canadian-owned media outlet we have left. CTV and CityTV will never be critical of Rogers, for the same reason WSJ will never criticise Amazon’s acceleration of Global Warming in order to open new trade routes through the Arctic. Corporate Media, serves corporate interests and corporate interests come at our collective expense. The divisiveness perpetuated by denigrating your fellow worker as the enemy. The one who is to blame for the state of the world, is nothing short of the literal grand illusion that they strive to maintain over our lives. Through tracking and recording our every waking moment, copying every automatic backup, before you knew you could opt out. Every credit card number, passport, photograph of your love ones.
Curating purposefully addictive technology with the unending scroll and “short-form content.” Liberal and Conservative. It is the great lie that we have to abandon. It is NOT right and Left, it has always been .01% vs 99.08% with the middle class existing to buffer our corporate owners from our collective grievances. Do not fall into the trap of separating yourself, or seeking to place yourself as higher in social value, due to the fact that you can see how others are lied to and manipulated. Social media has always been the surveillance arm of billionaire Capitalists, through which, we have all been lied to and manipulated. We all are isolated, profiled and fed an algorithmically curated worldview. Catered to us by companies who know us better than we know ourselves, with AI search tools capable of ensuring we are always fed a steady stream of niche content, to keep us pacified, engaged and out of the streets with guns. Where we should be. Who’s to say any of our independent understandings of reality are correct? Everything is owned by Them. MSNBC exists to give you an outlet, Rob Carney’s a central banker for fucks sakes. Don’t apologise on behalf of “others” we need solidarity, we need understanding and commonality and community. We are not the problem, the problem is that those whose financial class begins with a “B” aren’t utterly terrified every single waking moment of their lives.
The problem is that we have yet to get to the point where we make FightClub a Documentary. We have yet to tie them to saddles while we horseback ride through cobblestone streets. I know it’s so hard not to be spiteful, but we must not allow made up party associations to remain dogmatic political values. When they share no tangible connection to one another and when we all share so much more between us than the ruling corporatists tell us we do. They are not like us, we are like all Albertans.
Fucking traitor. Fuck her.
I’m still seeing people I knew in Alberta posting things about her like she is going to save the world. Scary.
To be blunt, many people haven’t actually forgotten the left chanting for the destruction of Canada while tearing down monuments to it’s history. You can sing the anthem and wave the flag now, but if you don’t address the overt antagonism championed by political leaders not so very long ago, don’t expect them to feel warm and fuzzy about you. People who have loved Canada the whole time, and don’t get swayed in that by social media, have been hurt severely by many people’s words and actions.
To be blunt, many people haven’t actually forgotten the left chanting for the destruction of Canada while tearing down monuments to it’s history.
There is absolutely nothing hypocritical about wanting to acknowledge the wrong doings of your country (such as the kidnapping of aboriginal children and the stripping of cultural identity of aboriginal people), removing statues of racist (along with those who actively encouraged and supported said kidnappings), and still being proud to be Canadian (a peace keeping nation that believes all residents have the right to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms).
Those things are not mutually exclusive, and the fact that you think they are says a lot about who you are.
People who have loved Canada the whole time
Oh the same people who endangered thousands of other Canadians by going around maskless during a pandemic, having zero fucks if they infected a senior or an immune suppressed individual? Or are they the people who blocked off roads, preventing businesses from operating and causing an absolute mess everywhere they went? Or maybe you’re referring to the ones who attacked fellow Canadians because of how they looked?
What about any of those actions are you proud of? Which of those actions would you deem patriotic and reflects Canada?
don’t get swayed in that by social media
Please tell me you’re kidding? Not swayed by social media? The whole “freedom convey” shit was literal social media movement.
And this particular moment in our country isn’t about some posts on social media; it’s about another country’s threats to annex our country. This about another country threatening our sovereignty.
You wanna keep picking fights with people who believe in accountability and want to better our country, by all means go for it, but NOT. RIGHT NOW.
Pick this fight when our country isn’t being threatened. You wanna go off about being patriotic, maybe act it during a time when it actually matters.
I didn’t pick this fight. You can’t ignore yesterday just because it makes you feel bad. Canada is in dire straights because idiots have been eating up divisive propaganda, and even now continue to antagonize those which they would need to rely upon if there were a serious conflict with the US, in this very thread. Unity isn’t something you demand when it’s convenient. It’s something you have to work towards earnestly over time. Alberta is looking elsewhere right now specifically because of how the rest of Canada has treated them, and continues to treat them. And now, idiots are positioned to vote in, once again, the government which not very long ago they whole heartedly agreed had decimated Canada. Overwhelmingly, the Liberals have been a persistent threat to Canada’s survival for a solid decade now.
If this is a bad time for controversy, then stop demanding it.
To be blunt, believing that criticizing the actions of the government against minorities and being critical of the actions of people in the past because you got used to a hunk of stone or metal existing is fucking stupid, and being wounded because some names you were forced to read in some books you never bothered to understand have been called kind of shit people is wildly weak sauce.
You don’t understand what people have been complaining about, or even what “the left” is. Maybe you should consider the idea that you know fuck all, and actually listen to the grown ups in the room when they’re discussing issues of history and sociology.
Wanking over white power is neither history nor culture. Not understanding that that’s what you’re doing doesn’t make you informed, interesting, or smart.
forgotten the left chanting for the destruction of Canada while tearing down monuments to it’s history
So the radical left. Whereas the radical right is chanting for the death of anyone who isn’t a white man or his child bearing wife. Should we be attributing the views and actions of the radicals to the quiet majorities?
Danielle Smith is a traitor in spirit if not by law, she is trying to sell this country out to a racist, bigoted mouthpiece working for his billionaire friends.
the radical right is chanting for the death of anyone who isn’t a white man or his child bearing wife
I’m interested to see the videos of right wing mobs chanting for such.
You talk as if the statue fell on you.
My guy. People don’t appreciate idiots LARPing as revolutionaries one day, then LARPing as patriots the next. And I’m not just talking about one incident.
Part of loving your country is wanting it to be better.
To add to this, the difference between a Patriot and a Nationalist is the difference between “What can I do for my country?” and “What can my country do for me?”
It absolutely makes sense for a Patriot to be critical of what’s wrong with her or his country because they want it to be better, whilst Nationalists who just want to gain from the prestige of their country are absolutelly against anything that would damage said prestige.
Far-right nutters are invariably either Nationalist or, as in this case, Traitors.
Nationalists lie to themselves about others. Patriots lie to themselves about themselves. Both only exist for the purpose of moral licensing enabling bad behaviour.
Tribalism in general is a pretty bad idea, IMHO - if you’re going around with an us vs them mindset and with double standards for the words and actions of those from the us group versus everybody else, you’re not being ethical or moral, just a hypocrite and/or useful idiot.
That said, even amongst tribalists there are different ways of relating to others in the us and even other groups, depending on whether one has a protective/cooperative mindset backing their wanting to belong in a group (roughly “we’re better together”) or an extractive mindset (roughly “together we can force others to do what we want”) - it’s roughly the difference between a neighbourhood sports association and a criminal gang.
(Further, you can have the first kind of drive to be in a group, without being tribalist about it).
When what defines the group is the nation one was born in, those with the former mindset tend to be patriots and those with the latter nationalists.
Taking down statues is not revolutionary and you haven’t shown that any of the same people are involved in any of this.
Seems don’t understand what you are talking about.
My dude, what in the absolute fuck are you even talk about. You are not Canadian. You are a disgusting fucking traitor
I really wish people would stop thinking of left and right, or blue and red or whatever. It makes it so people can take the shitty actions of one side eons ago to justify sometimes even worse actions later.
“You think this is bad. The other side did this totally unrelated bad thing that one time, so this is ok!!”
Danielle Trump is the topic and she is not ok. No amount of baddie talk about whoever you deem is worse changes that.
My guy, it’s not some ancient history by a fringe group. Trudeau himself was so far into it that he literally accused his own government of committing an active genocide.
“I don’t know what genocide is, so fuck the ‘left’” is a hell of a take. Definitely doesn’t paint you out to be unworthy of listening to on anything.
“Framing genocide in Canada as an accumulation of actions and omissions over decades, the report says…” Trudeau acknowledged it, but this is not strictly a Liberal or Conservative thing. If you think it is, you need to do some research
Not seeing “my own government is actively committing genocide” in your source. Can you show that to me?
You are missing the point.
Using unrelated things to justify something bad, isn’t good.
You can bring up whatever you want, from whenever, involving whomever. None of it makes the current premier of Alberta any less of a traitor to Canada.
When the question is Canadian unity, a history of championing the destruction of Canada is in no way what so ever irrelevant.
Again. Attempting to deflect.
If your strongest argument for her is things others have done. You might want to find someone else to defend.
You are a traitor
I’ve hated Americans my whole life and never tore down a monument, the fuck are you on? I don’t care about some statue somewhere
Voting suggests your dog whistles are too audible.
Even when someone actually tries to discuss Canada’s issues, you just dismiss it out of hand by using a wild imagination to pretend they’ve said something completely different from what was actually said. You call for unity, but then refuse to actually pursue it.
Votes are a terrible indication of truth anyways, which was easily seen in this thread, where the video I posted of a far left riot tearing down a statue of the first Prime Minister was purely upvoted for a while, until I guess someone actually watched it and realized what it really was. The hive mind is not intelligent.
you just dismiss it
You call for unity
who do you even think you are speaking to right now?? cuz it’s not me.
deleted by creator
Every Maple Magot should be called out for what they are. Filthy fucking Redcoats.
dani smith is a fucking traitor
I never thought I’d hear decent insight from Dean Blundell! Maybe if there isn’t a spot for you at the Edge, there’s a spot for you in my heart.
Gotta admit that MapleMAGA made me chuckle.
While I agree with the message, why the hell is a Sports Shock Jock writing political articles?
Not as short as yours:
Please don’t feed the trolls. Look up “A Pigeon Playing Chess” for why not feeding trolls is the only way to be.
Oh, you mean that guy who the truckers put a $2000 bounty on, for any information on who he was?
I like how you say that like its relevant.
False equivalency.