there is NO way the US would allow that without things getting much, much uglier.
Or they could you know reverse the tariffs that caused the counter measures…
there is NO way the US would allow that without things getting much, much uglier.
Or they could you know reverse the tariffs that caused the counter measures…
Donkey kong country on SNES
B A R R A L on the save game selection menu
I stumbled across a theory that really early christian figure Paul of Tarsus was a Roman/Herodian plant trying to thwart Jewish uprisings. I’ve only seen videos so far and I don’t know how credible it is really, but it was a really interesting idea, I’m sure you could find an essay if that’s the sort of historical conspiracy theory you’re interested in.
Sorry, I think it would be more idiomatic to say:
LAX Approach, Canadair Charlie Golf Bravo Eight Niner, sorry: requesting long approach. thanks eh, Over.
But that’s just my two cents as a Canadian eh.
Ahh yes sexual harassment for hire. Great idea. Maybe we should have an MMA experience we can order for our foes too.
I agree with you that it’s not a major concern and is a fad/ panic. We don’t know what the effects are because they are undetectable. I think it’s maybe boosted by people that want to keep the green minded people spinning their wheels instead of making progress on climate change.
My point about the lungs was just that if something is inert it doesn’t really matter what chemical it is, but it could still be harmful. I’m trying to show that I’m open minded to the harms of micro plastics but still wholly unconvinced that microplastics are worth even a fraction of the attention they’re getting.
Isuppose you’re right that there is not a strict definition but I’ve never spoken with person that didn’t understand microplastics to mean something like:
(too small for a person to notice ingesting but visible with a magnifying glass or optical microscope) ::: of [solid but easily deformable] hydrocarbon polymers [intended] to be biochemically inert/benign.
Health agencies have historically adjudicated whether particular hydrocarbon polymers are safe for human exposure based on biochemistry (ie are they poisonous?). Assuming that if they were biochemically inert they’re safe. But obviously it’s unsafe to fill your lungs with inert particles of any size… you’ll suffocate. So is it a problem that our blood has unprecedented levels of inert micro particles? It’s probably not good. How much can a person ingest before serious issues?
Nobody really knows. Maybe microplastics cause autism, I don’t think anybody knows. We’ll probably have to do some heinous animal trials to figure it out. And look how much time I’ve spent talking about something other than climate change.
Can you elaborate?
One of the challenges is that little is known about the impact of microplastics on human health and the toxic effects that may vary depending on the type, size, shape, and concentration.
I think everyone agrees that microplastic accumulation is not good, but how much effort should we dedicate to eliminating them. Like if we banned plastic food packaging, but used something that increased the risk of food poisoning by 0.001% would that have a net positive impact on our society’s health?
They fenced my son’s school this summer. Previously it was only the playground and field that was fenced. New fence is 4 ft high, no gates, just gaps at walk ways.
At first I was unhappy about it, feeling that it cut the school off from the community. But then my son and I arrived early one day and had his soccer ball, we were able to really play on a lawn that would have been too small without a fence. So I can see that the fence creates more usable space for the school. And I’ve come around.
Fair enough I get all that. My contention is that writing off commenters as shills and bots underestimates the size of the problem.
I agree that the Kremlin targets the fabric of our society. But they have succeeded to the point that we can’t just cut off the affected parts. It’s too pervasive. We need to mend and reinforce the damaged fabric. Idk if you’re confident they’re shills/bots/trolls then I guess you’re right, but what if they’re just ignorant?
Just FYI it’s totally possible for non-shills/bots to support Russia. They can be real people just with different experiences, values and/or information diets than you.
Like to me it’s pretty obvious who the bad guys in the war are (russia). But to a Belarusian it’s probably not so clear (in fact I’ve met a Belarusian that feels this way).
Writing people off as shills/bots gives a false sense of security (not exactly the passing I want but close enough I guess)
I think it’s much healthier to say something like “your head is so far up your ass it’s difficult to understand you”.
I don’t know what the NDP haven’t introduced an electoral reform bill
“I must destroy all evidence of this”
If the certification of Trump’s election is delayed past January 20th, what happens? Would his accession to power be delayed? Could he use this delay to justify postponing the next election?
I base this prediction on liberal party performance in the last two by-elections.
Yes, but what makes you think that that could possibly be what’s about to happen?
I think it is far more likely that liberal voters turnout will be down because of trudeau fatigue, this will cost the liberals battleground ridings. I think conservatives will have higher turnout than normal in traditional red seats since there is now a chance of their vote mattering. And I think that will cost the liberals even more seats.
I base this prediction on liberal party performance in the last two by-elections.
It’s so sad that this sort of hate exists in our society.
I don’t think anybody is suggesting that Tesla had a sign that says “heil” in Tesla’s font manufactured and installed on their factory next to their name. It’s a projection by a protestor to draw attention to Musk’s Nazism.