• affiliate@lemmy.world
    12 days ago

    i mean this as a genuine question: why do you think it’s important that people have access to guns? i never really got the appeal, but also haven’t talked to many people who do think guns are important, so it would be nice to hear a different perspective on this

    • orcrist@lemm.ee
      11 days ago

      You can find all sorts of well reasoned arguments if you just do a basic web search. And I mean that honestly. There are plenty of intelligent people who can reasonably argue that the Second Amendment ought to continue to exist, and it ought to be interpreted in a way that allows people to have their own shotguns or rifles or handguns.

      I think a lot of the arguments that are made on paper look okay at a glance, but whether they stand up to statistical analysis is a different question. For example, we know that when seconds count police are minutes or hours away, you just can’t expect the police to keep you safe, so you might argue that you should have guns in your house to protect yourself from home invasion. And there’s some truth to that. At the same time, the fact that you have guns in your house makes it more likely that your kids are going to accidentally shoot themselves or someone else, or that you’re going to. So the problem you’re trying to solve by owning a weapon creates another risk, which offsets the overall value. But then that gets into a question of priorities and how much control you think you have over guns in your own home. Or you might remark that perhaps the solution is to decrease poverty, so that there is less likelihood of anyone trying to break into your house, or you could suggest that we try to fix the broken police system in the country, so that cops actually have some incentive to respond quickly to home invasion calls, and the cops won’t accidentally shoot you if they think you’re the criminal when you’re actually the resident.

      And even if you can argue that people ought to be able to have weapons to protect themselves from home invasion, then there’s a lot of disagreement about what kind of weapons ought to be permissible. Perhaps shotguns or rifles should be allowed but handguns shouldn’t, because you can’t easily hide a shotgun or a rifle. And then you get into strange statistical analyses of what kind of guns tend to be used in what kind of shootings, and which ones are relatively safe, and which ones criminals would switch to if they had no other option.

      So I think all of that is complicated enough that people who really want to keep their guns can get lost in the statistics and logic, and I didn’t even go into depth, but you can imagine how people who want to make the affair complicated would do so. And all of that happens so that they don’t have to answer the question about why your children got shot and Australia no longer has that problem, because they fixed it the last time their children got shot.

    • random@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      12 days ago

      for one I just belive that every human should be able to defend themselfs with weapons, if we didn’t have guns I’d belive in the right to bear swoards or a bow

      but now to why I belive this:

      so you should know I’m an anarchist, so I reject every authority, that’s why I think we should have guns, so we can stand up against authority if we need to or even if we lived in an anarchist utopia, we should have them in case a forgein nation would attack

      then you also have to realize, that you can kill someone without a gun, but only if you’re the stronger one. now who is stronger than the avarege woman? the avarege man! so the avarege man could rape and traumatize the avarege woman with no instant consequences so how can the avarege woman defend themself? with a gun

      now I am a transgender individual in a country growing more fascist by the day, should I have to fear assault, rape and murder only because I’m different? no, I should have to be able to defend myself

      I accept that your opinion may be different, and that’s ok, there are good reasons to ban guns, this is just my stance on it

      also, it basically boiles down to one thing: do you preffer freedom or safety? because freedom isn’t safe and safety isn’t free, I personally like freedom more, that’s why I like my guns (and the fact, that gunsmithing is my favourite hobby)

      • auzy@lemmy.world
        12 days ago

        Here in Australia people defend themselves fine without guns

        Guns are better at killing lots of innocent people than defence.

        Great for suicide too , and angry people who have a bad day and are unstable

        You’re better off with pepper spray and a rape whistle

        In shootings, trained people don’t stand there shooting back, they run. That should tell you more about the effectiveness of guns as an offensive weapon instead of defensive.

        Lots of people with guns out there who think they’re the good guys

        • random@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          12 days ago

          what if your guy wears glasses and no help comes tho?

          don’t get me wrong, ik that guns can do lots of evil, but the thing is: people who want to break the law won’t care if it’s illegal to own a gun

          • auzy@lemmy.world
            11 days ago

            Don’t allow criminals to own guns, and they increasingly drop out of circulation. Don’t issue them unless there is good reason for them to have it and they have a clean record

            Self defence here in Australia isn’t a valid reason to own a gun

            This also allows the people who sold the guns to be arrested too.

            The fact is, if a criminal has a gun, you’re not using a gun to defend yourself. They have more experience and are more prepared.

            Here in Australia, I was actually in a near school shooting which was stopped because it was only a hand gun and because someone with martial arts experience took him down

            Your other problem is that you guys let kids use guns, so that turn it into paet of their identity

        • random@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          12 days ago

          yes, I would, as I statet, physically stronger people could easily beat or strangle me to death

            • tmyakal@lemm.ee
              12 days ago

              For real. Any gun I could obtain as a private citizen is not going to stand up to the weight of the police, let alone the US military if a true authoritarian regime took over. My right to a hunting rifle doesn’t matter when they have tanks and drones.

            • random@lemmy.blahaj.zone
              12 days ago

              that’s not rly how guns work, if I was rly good with guns I could kill someone with a .22lr if they had a 9mm and were bad with guns, the thing is different guns are good for different things, you won’t be able to use a shotgun effectively at 50m++ for example or a sniper rifle at 7m–

              also how good you are with guns isn’t a genetics thing like physical strength

              of course I’d rather live in a world without guns, but the moment one person has a gun everyone should have one

        • Cethin@lemmy.zip
          11 days ago

          Just so you’re aware, the anti-government Anarchist trope isn’t real. Anarchists generally see the government as useful. It’s also not about the government. It’s about power structures in general which restrict people’s freedoms. It’s a very good philosophy, but the name has been ruined (probably purposefully) by the media portrying them as edgy total anti-government idiots.

          If you’ve ever in your life thought Libertarians had decent ideas, Anarchism is the actual good version of that that isn’t just created to allow people to have sex with children. Anarchism wants government to protect people and wants to remove restrictive and coercive power structures.