• Thebeardedsinglemalt@lemmy.world
    4 days ago

    It’s not on my drive, and I think I may have completely lost it, but here’s a synapsis from the last time I posted it…

    The whole premise was on some rando day all screens with sound on earth (kinda live V), started broadcasting a message from the ambassador from the Concordium, and it’s all one giant monologue from him. He just says that anytime they find advanced, intelligent life in the galaxy they monitor them for roughly 11 of our years to ensure they’re advanced enough and are able to exist within their structure and harmony. But it took less than 3 for them to determine we are not, cannot, and never will never be functionally capable of it. One cited example is there at 10 individuals on the planet with enough wealth and resources to legitimately end hunger and poverty, and advance the civilization 100 years in maybe 10, but they’d rather burn the planet and let over 1/3 of the population suffer and die just to increase their already obscene wealth. Others include individuals damaging or killing themselves and others in displays of barbarism for mere entertainment, hate based on superficial features, and constant warring not towards the advancement of peace and prosperity but material goods and archaic resources that only further destroy the planet. As a result, our solar system is considered quarantined; they will not enter it, nor are we allowed to leave. If we attempt to they will eliminate us so we don’t poison the rest of the galaxy as we have our own planet. Only twice have they encountered warring species similar to us, and both times theose species’s intention was to try and build advanced warships to conquer their way out of their solar systems, but because of their nature they both ended up destroying themselves and their planets in the process.

    It ends with the transmission being cut, and the ambassador being asked if he thinks this could make humans unify and work towards the goal of bettering themselves to the point of being welcomed into the Concordium. He replies it has never happened in their recorded history