I think there’s a missed chance to have mint and other “cooling” herbs on the outer rim
Some weird, German communist, hello. He/him pronouns and all that. Obsessed with philosophy and history, secondarily obsessed with video games as a cultural medium. Also somewhat able to program.
I think there’s a missed chance to have mint and other “cooling” herbs on the outer rim
Genuinely, though, it is hard to gauge at times which actions are:
It is genuine chaos. But overall, the effects are pretty disastrous, no matter what exactly causes which actions.
Always knew that crab was red!
While this is very funny, and definitely representative of a sort of ignorance/arrogance commonly found in ideologues - I recently learned that most people talking about the effect have, in fact, been Dunning-Krugering themselves.
Insightful video on the topic.
What most people expect the effect to look like:
What the actual results were:
You put it better than I myself had formulated it in my head yet, why I am weary of those rumours. I find similar arguments here in Europe, where our fascist movements, which are without a doubt supported by Russia, are then sometimes reduced to being some sort of wholly foreign influence, instead of admitting that Russia is stoking flames in embers that had always been part of us and the problems we face.
You know, personally, I don’t think the rumours of Trump being an active foreign agent instead of “just” a narcissist grifter are useful, because they can be used to argue that things weren’t already pretty borked before in the status quo… (and I think they are wrong, personally)
But I do have to admit - if I was a foreign agent wanting to destroy the US and its influence in the world, I would basically do exactly what he is doing.
I can’t be certain in this case, but the usual suspects are not being connected to as many servers (e.g. not scraping some because of robots.txt settings), delays in scraping the stats, or excluding some servers consciously because their stats are deemed a bit suspicious.
The one shown is from join-lemmy:
Also of interest for people that love statistics (which I do):
EDIT: As you can see, the Fediverse being what it is, it’s basically impossible to get an exact, definitive count, so the numbers will always be a bit fuzzy. But they clearly show trends
He’s giving a full demonstration of just how untouchable he feels.
This is such a huge part of the psychology behind authoritarianism. It’s about harsh rules and repression, and the perverse enjoyment of the privileged few, that can be above the rules. It’s like a schoolyard bully, really, beating you up but also snitching on you to the teachers, and then enjoying the teachers not believing you. The hypocrisy is not a fault within authoritarianism, it’s an essential component, of how it functions ideologically.
Taking away their feeling of being untouchable, is a massive part of how to combat it. That requires, at this point, revolutionary change, because damn, the foundations of property are all in their favour.
To paraphrase Zizek: “You can’t change people, but you can change the system, so that people aren’t pished to do certain things.”
In general, people have historically always acted within a historical-material framework that influenced their actions and thoughts. Only changing the framework changes people’s actions down the line.
The thought, that it all depends on people being “better” is part of an ideological distortion, in service of the status quo. As is the thought, that you would have to change the people instead of the dynamics of production and property. Ideology presents the former as hope and the latter as impossible, when it is precisely the other way around.
As I’ve said elsewhere: This only means something, if they won’t just use the recession to buy up tangible assets from the dead capital they had accumulated. Whoever is going to be in the close circle at the top, will probably benefit a lot after all is said and done - unless it does indeed end up backfiring even for them. Things are chaotic now, we will see.
Nice! It would be lying to say it’s close to on par with YouTube - but there definitely is some good content on there by now. And it has YT beat on authenticity and humanity, for sure. Much less baiting, algorithm-weirdness and fame-chasing (sadly, still non-zero, but so much better in those regards).
As a small PSA to anyone reading this: You can also follow creators on PT with any type of Fediverse account, that can follow users (many have most of their followers on Mastodon).
I call shenanigans, that vampire is clearly in the sunlight in the last panel!
Thank you! Seems to be working now!
I was pretty sure I had already tried that, but I probably had something else not configured correctly when I did, so I probably hadn’t tried it yet with the proper combination of values in addition to that! (I am glad I haven’t managed to break it somewhere else while trying stuff)
Yeah, I really don’t like the Democrats and don’t agree with Waltz 100% at all, but it’s clear he is at least a genuine person caught up in a shit organisation.
See my comment to kayzeekayzee, I don’t think local options exist - but I am also relatively new myself - so maybe someone else knows something.
But if you have those 10TB somewhere you can put behind a domain name and server installation - This is the official documentation.
Of note: The part in the config file (usually /var/www/peertube/config/production.yaml) looks like this (my current config as an example)
check_interval: '15 minutes' # How often you want to check new videos to cache
strategies: # Just uncomment strategies you want
size: '50GB'
# Minimum time the video must remain in the cache. Only accept values > 10 hours (to not overload remote instances)
min_lifetime: '48 hours'
strategy: 'most-views' # Cache videos that have the most views
size: '150GB'
# Minimum time the video must remain in the cache. Only accept values > 10 hours (to not overload remote instances)
min_lifetime: '48 hours'
strategy: 'trending' # Cache trending videos
size: '100GB'
# Minimum time the video must remain in the cache. Only accept values > 10 hours (to not overload remote instances)
min_lifetime: '48 hours'
strategy: 'recently-added' # Cache recently added videos
min_views: 10 # Having at least x views
As far as I know, no options exist for something like a local PeerTube instance without a proper server, without also having a domain name, so doing it locally is a bit complicated.
I’d guess the closest would be to have tabs open with videos you want to mirror, so you are a peer via webtorrent for those, but that is clunky, and I am unsure how well it would even work without having the tabs active.
But I am relatively new to this as well, so maybe someone else has some info I am lacking right now.
What’s an animal, though it’s barely in motion?
I follow the philosophy of “if you actually see your Desktop, you don’t have enough windows open” - So it’s a default KDE one.
They want their own children to be educated in private schools and by tutors not available to common people, and everyone else just educated enough to do their jobs and work for them.
Maybe a few scholarships especially targeted at a few poor “gifted” children, that produce false hope and additional shame if you can’t be “good” enough for one of those scholarships.