This is insanity. I’m glad she’s safe here in Canada and edit: HOPE she will be granted status to stay and complete her PhD that she’s almost done. It sounds like Srinivasan is the kind of person we want to welcome here: intelligent, hard working, slides with justice.
I hope Canada will continue to be a safe place for people who work hard for a better life not just for themselves, but others also.
I never really got into tea because I always found the flavour disappointing compared to its aroma. But I recently tried yerba maté, which isn’t a tea but definition, but is similar. It’s made from the leaves and stems of Holly and has a strong, bitter flavour that definitely does not disappoint. It’s enjoyed in places like Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Brazil. Now I start my day with a mug of coffee, then sip on maté the rest of the day.