Thanks, genocide wing of the labour party.
Software developer, intermittent indie game dev, formerly u/captainbland on reddit. Also kind of interested in medical imaging etc.
Thanks, genocide wing of the labour party.
It’s pretty clear he’s only interested in this as a way to further the party’s current austerity programme.
Let the actual experts figure out if there’s an over diagnosis problem and sort it out through the proper consensus forming channels rather than having politicians cherry pick the expert who most aligns with their view.
If you’re going to do benefits cuts against people who are mentally ill specifically, just do that rather than trying to get mental ill health massaged out of the statistics so that you can launder your reputation.
Starmer is more aligned with Trump than he is with the sick and disabled. I think once you get this paradigm down, nothing about what he does is baffling.
We’ve been saying Starmer’s lots were red Tories since 2020. It wasn’t hyperbole!
They don’t admit to having real estate investments so we’re sort of forced to assume they’re just control freaks who want to use workplaces to satisfy their megalomania kink.
I think the most pronounced effect I got was from visualisation based meditation and made it easier to see clear mental imagery and to control what the imagery is. This was from sporadically doing it for about 10 minutes every couple of days over the course of a couple of months a couple of years ago. Considering picking it up again at some point.
I can’t believe Saudi Arabia are nationalising Pokemon Go when the UK won’t even nationalise regional water monopolies. Honestly these things were never great for privacy and given the state of things I’m not sure I’m more concerned about a Saudi entity tracking me than a US one.
Not good news for gay Pokemon fans in that country though.
Of course we’ve all got mental health problems. Our economy is entirely oriented around paying us to service bullshit and then going “what I don’t understand” when we have economic problems. Maybe if we get a few thousand more engineers to spend their entire careers pushing numbers with no intrinsic value around that’ll fix the problem.
Nobody needed a crystal ball to know Starmer would be this shit.
Definitely just poking a stick inside a printer
I guess fundamentally I see the mind as arising out of physicality and emergent constructs within that physical system rather than being fundamental. The reason the Gaia hypothesis appeals to me then is because it is just an extension of that emergence idea but across the whole world
All capitalists are humans but not all humans are capitalists so it’s a bit of an overgeneralisation.
Maybe like a limited Gaia hypothesis. The whole planet is a conscious thing, we are its braincells and its hands.
if there’s any medical conspiracy going on, it’s that the effort to destroy trust in the medical establishment is a ploy to promote eugenics and survival of the fittest by modern day Nazis.
Any time there’s a ready meal from the supermarket and for some reason the adhesive is way stronger than the plastic film. You end up with loads of bits of film just sort of stuck to the rim of it. Super annoying.
We’re just smelly sacks of biology like a rat or a lizard who happen to have developed higher reasoning capacity for whatever reason.
As an exercise, try to be conscious about your thought process, write stuff down. When your thought process leads to an action with a consequence or verifiable prediction, consider: did it pan out? Was that because of your thought process or a fluke? If something went wrong then what about your thought process didn’t help you?
This can help you to narrow down stuff like: did a possibility not arise to you, were you biased/overly dogmatic in some way, did you just not know some relevant information or a particular technique that could have helped you? Have you gotten out of practice with something? Was the situation even in your control?
And like wise if it’s good, what can you repeat? Did you apply some good critical thinking rule or something you learned? Are there situations where this wouldn’t have happened this way?
I find it’s impractical to do this for everything but worthwhile doing every so often and sometimes this can call out patterns in your cognitive processes.
Another one on mental clarity: do the apple test. Try to visualise an apple. At some point I struggled with this and got mediocre results but I was able to improve it by doing some visualisation based “meditation”/exercises and employing some techniques like verbally saying or thinking the word “apple” or a description of one and/or focusing on parts of it before attempting to call the whole apple into view. This had some carry over benefits like being able to visualise things in blender in my head better.
It’s still March… 2020
Too real. Not just holidays, weeks and months go by and it’s like “shit when did it get to 2025??”
“Lights out” factories have been an industry goal for a while. It does seem like it’s finally within reach. Honestly what I don’t understand is why western nations with relatively high labour costs and an increasing desire for autonomy and skilled job creation haven’t been pursuing this.