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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • Funnily enough, the idiots do have a grain a truth here, that grain just happens to be an example of the internet’s favorite, Dunning-Kruger.

    Excess flouride does have profound negative effects on intelligence. Several hundreds times the levels you get positive effects for tooth health from, and thus well beyond the scope of flouridation programs. There are also other notable side effects from flouride toxicity, so it’d be quite noticable.

    There are even several regions of America and China where they need deflouridation treatments for ground water, but the conspiracy types never seem to mention those.

    They also don’t seem to note that flouride toxicity, like lead toxicity, leads to both decreased intelligence and increased aggression.

    How making the working class angry and dumb makes them easier for the owner class to control and profit from never seems to come up.