I’m not angry with you, but I am afraid that you’ve lost your way.
That’s like saying tea is just hot leaf water.
All I see is
Literally just tax the super rich a little bit. God damn it Keith
By “work well” you mean damage society
Pretty high Drop
We aren’t talking about the weight of the payload though. Don’t you need a fairly hefty bomb to meaningfully damage a refinery?
If the answer is no, I would love to see this strategy implemented in a longer ranged plane. Russia’s main tank production factory is about 2000 miles from the nominal Ukrainian border.
They must have done something to it, because Wikipedia puts its max range as 680 miles.
Guaranteed that manager has had a toddler. You either get used to handling unreasonable anger or develop anger issues of your own
Activism would help very little, but at least it isn’t fatalism.
Cool of them to provide a sign that gives you a tiny rebellion high. The city must really value civil disobedience.
Personally I would have no qualms with people scraping all of Reddit and rehoming the content. Anything to make Reddit irrelevant more quickly is always morally correct
Well, I’m out of AtlA references. For now.